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Posts posted by Joker678

  1. What is it you require? : ranged 30 - 50 none botting

    What price are you wanting to pay? : idk offer

    Are you going first or will we use an MM? :i'll go first

    What amount of time do you require me to complete it in? : idc

    Do you agree to TOS? : yes

    For your safety and mine PM me your Skype. Have you pmed me it? : i will now

  2. okay so, when i try to login my osbot account on bot, thats what i get:


    i bought 2 pro scripts today, please if cannot be fixed refund me the premium scripts :)



    Here you might wanna add this, for also faster downloading do this.




    Open Prefences > Bandwidth > Put more connections.

    thats used if you wanna use utorrent if you wanna download shit, my tutorial is only for portforwarding.



    Yeah and the reason of portforwading is to download? So this kinda adds up just thought I'd throw it in smile.png


    and its not for downloading, you need port forwarding to allow other people to get access to your file/scrip/game.

    on osbot we need it to get access to scripts, you can use it to get your runescape private server online for people.

    you cannot make your rsps online to other people unless you have port forwarded



    Is this allowed to be posted? I have seen other threads locked/hidden for having illegal content :/

    what illegal about this?! ohmy.png
    i believe (correct me if wrong) that utorrent is techincally illegal in the USA bc it is used for copyright infringement.


    utorrent it self isn't illegal, but there is few websites that you can download torrent files from which are illegal because it contains cracked files such as windows 7 cracked etc...

  5. (soz bit off topic) i am currently on a school comp and they do not allow for me to use torrents... if i try to use a torrent it doesn't open and comes up with a message 'this program may harm your computor'.. then i get in big trouble the next day. I even turned off wifi/everything and the message still got through to my school.. does anyone know how to bypass this? sick of having to use ******** ass demo software saw this post and thought someone might be able to halp 

    okay, uhmm try uninstalling utorrent and download from the link i posted on tutorial, while your download you get an option to allow utorrent into firewall, you SHOULD ALLOW it.

    if doesn't work try downloading antivirus then re-download utorrent. 

    • Like 1
  6. How To Port Forward Using Utorrent!


    Hello, Today I'll be showing you how to port forward using utorrent.

    This tutorial Is basically for people who cannot port forward using Modem gateway.

    So the port we gotta forward is 50050.



    step 1 - Downloading Utorrent.

    So basically to download utorrent go to www.utorrent.com or Simply click Here.



    Step 2 - Port Forwarding.

    so this step has few steps on it.

    1- Open Up utorrent and you should see this:



    2- Click on Options on the corner of utorrent and choose Preferences:



    You Should See Something like that:



    3- Choose Connections and Change the port.



    As you all can see I've chosen connections and my currently port is 19051.

    (The port isn't the same for every person).

    So basically change the port there into 50050.



    When your done just click Apply Then Okay. 



    should be done :)


    How To Check If The Port Is Available For You?!

    Click Options And Choose Setup Guide and you should see this:



    If You cannot see your country on the bandwidth simply uncheck it.

    and it should be like this:



    Now Make sure that the port is 50050:



    and click run tests:






    Congratulations, You have just finished Port Forwarding.

    Happy Botting Guys :)


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