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Posts posted by osrsnumber01

  1. having an issue where the bots are not picking up drops, it does but then randomly it stops and i can see that its "hovering" over take the "insert drop here" and it just wont move or do anything basically its stuck in the looting phase.... its been like this for a few days i just didnt feel like complaining, since most things are fixed and a lot of people seem to have the same issues but now meh its kinda annoying that my low levels cant make any money or train, whats up can this be fixed or what

  2. 10 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    I'll let @Juggles know. He did the looting portion

    cool not sure how long it would take to fix this issues im having, but i dont want to pay/keep paying for a 15$ scripts + monthly if im not geting my moneys worth would still like the refund till its fixed. thanks for now il probly just use czars fighter

  3. 4 minutes ago, Malcolm said:


    Don't make an new line for everything, separate the items with commas.

    Nature rune, Fire rune, Earth rune, etc, etc

    Let me know if that works for you.


    trying it now on new slayer task il let you know if this fixes it then il be happy i just wish the box was bigger so i could ad more and be able to see it

  4. i believe im puting it in how it shows in game, for instance... Nature rune... should pick up nature runes .. seems simple enough, but unless each individual item in the stack reaches my otherwise stated threshould ( 1k) it doesnt pick them up, it makes me lower my threshold to like 200 to pick up natures... only thing i can think of is to make it Nature runes... but it works in every fight script i have/use so far aside from this, its also very clunky has no range/mage mode that enable safespots, seems like your better off using a Fighter scripts if your near or have access to your bot. no way to not take a full inventory of food from what i see so you miss a lot of drops when you havent taken damage, its a good script for sure, but im hopein for more if im paying money per month for it, but with all these issues id rather just get a refund


    also you cant even scroll down to see everything you add to the loot list


    another issue is even certain items over the threshold dont get picked up ( ensouled ogre heads) for instances

  5. doesnt seem to pick up anything in the loot list i put in there, but it willl pick up x amount items, UNLESS they are stackable like for instance if i set the threshhold to 500, and somthing drops 10 natures.. it wont pick it up how can i / you  fix this...probly looking 50k+ per hour  not picking up runes and shit

  6. 1 hour ago, Space said:

    Are you getting Hs_Err created in the same location as the osbot.jar? I would recommend uninstalling all versions of java and installing the 64-bit. 

    im not sure i never see an error on the screen, it just crashes and its gone, noticed it did it again over night when i woke up all my bots were off, 1 actually got banned so thats lame but the other 2 are fine, just werent doing their thing 


  7. having this issue to, it seems to crash unless i have it up the entire time like the OS client and sometimes even then, not sure how it crashes for days it worked perfectly no issues now its just being wonky, mining in certain areas it goes the complete wrong way n such and like the above after a little over an hour it crashes...


  8. ive also been getting into this recently I don't know how to write scripts in java yet, as I play diablo2 but I have 25 bots going on there @ all times so im sure I can learn with the right person explaining shit in laments, plus I hate reading a boring synapsis, mostly im curious on your progress as ive done most of this manually, switching scripts grated its the ones I payed for on OS bot, and I still get banned I was able to log in via remote control and even break manually and switch scripts manually, it seems mostly that you just in fact cant do anything for more then a couple hours at least till the account has an all around level of 30-40 once you get there and get past a 2 week mark, it seems like just getting use to the bot logging in at different times every day for the most part, and breaking at different times, also making sure your session is some times say.. 1:45, and some are 2:30, and maybe throw in some 30 min manually play for quests, that atleast worked for my I also have another friend who did the same, got everything to 40-50 then went ham on 90+ fishing, botting 12-18 hours a day and not getting the hammer, so it seems like it is all mostly luck based past a certain extent


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