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RSGM Sales

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Everything posted by RSGM Sales

  1. ADDITION : I also just received news that coinbase is having major issues with the sending of BTC payments. Seeing as how i wasn't that active online for the past time (due to moving) i wasn't aware of this untill now. Seeing as how other gold sites (like bogla for example) even have this warning on their site and seeing as how coinbase has proclaimed this themselves (and seeing as how the user uses coinbase), he should be aware of the flaw in coinbase their system (and not my own, seeing as how there is no flaw). It is not my responsibility as a site owner to put "this site and this site u can use to send btc but beware of this site", that is own user knowledge and if u use a flawed system to pay for something then if a flaw happens that is to blame on urself. If he wishes a refund the user will have to (as said before) contact info@mollie.nl or (this is newly found info) contact coinbase themselves to see what can be done about the situation. - Kaii
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