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  1. But on whom it casts that spell?
  2. Wanted to ask: if (getMagic().castSpell(Spells.NormalSpells.TELEKINETIC_GRAB)) this executes that commands and returns true if it succeeds? Also, maybe you could explain your code a bit?
  3. Hello, how would I preselect spell? I tried this, but it isn't working: if(getMagic().isSpellSelected() == false) { status = "Selecting spell"; log("Selecting spell"); getMagic().hoverSpell(Spells.NormalSpells.TELEKINETIC_GRAB); sleep(random(500, 5000)); } It just loops it, never selecting. Also, when using castSpellOnEntity(), a few times the bot selects the cast over and over again, and then it preselects it by himself. Is it supposed to be like that or it's accidental bug/feature?
  4. Fixed it with this: else if(chaosTemplate.contains(myPlayer())) { RS2Object ladder = objects.closest("Ladder"); ladder.interact("Climb"); }
  5. Hello, I'm trying to make a bot to walk to a position, which is on the second floor on the map, but with the webWalk it doesn't find the route. Any help? Code snippet to walk there (it first walks to an area nearby, then attempts walk ladder up, but it doesnt move from that area and in debugger it writes, that no rout found to destination) else if(chaosTemplate.contains(myPlayer())) { getWalking().webWalk(stealerPosition); }
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