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  1. If you're still in need let me know, depending on requested task & pricing, I may be able to do.
  2. Change this - getDialogues().clickContinue(); Use spacebar to skip dialogues instead, I genuinely don't know of any player who clicks 'continue' Not 100% on the current state of webalking, but I know previously it was considered to be a factor behind flagging getWalking().webWalk(Banks.DRAYNOR); walking.webWalk(witchHouse); Create your own custom walking/path with tile radius, breaks and such I mean overall your script is very simplistic, so it's hard to be creative but overall add more randomization. Things such as breaks between trips on occasion would do justice, humans become less motivated with repetition and tend to slack to some degree.. but using space instead of click for dialogues, custom walk ( depending on the current state of webwalking ) and randomization/breaks during tasks would potentially see a better outcome. ( By breaks I don't mean logout for 30mins and return - that would be ideal over a long period though - but I mean occasionally after say 10-15 trips, pause after clicking a tile/map coord for 20-30 seconds then continue ( as if you were distracted by something else ) ) Also now you've been banned twice/flagged for that task, use a different IP when changes have been made + clear cache.
  3. Seems strange that when you go out of focus from the client it reduces down to 5-10fps.. you would assume it would decrease when focused and increase when out of focus, but then you could have something that allocates less ram, gpu or cpu when a application is no longer in focus. What's your computer specs?
  4. Possibly allocate osbot more ram? Although seeing as you're a gold seller, i assume you're gold farming? in which case I would assume you're not running locally and instead through a VPS? If so then it's probably not the client its self, but the connection through RDP and so therefore the rendering would appear as if the client has low fps. However it could be a number of factors, but there's some potential reasons/solutions.
  5. Let me know if that fixed the issue though please :).
  6. Well overall bots shouldn't use rotating proxies, I mean the ideal case would be dedicated, but in regards to assigning each bot a proxy programmatically there's many routes you could take, however it would require a time consuming approach, not just a simple written handler since osbot doesn't support it.. and you don't wish to reload the client. I'm not 100% sure but I think one of the simplistic approaches would be to create a third party application that assigns a new proxy for each port on connection loss or a provided rotation time. Because I believe you can assign osbots client to different ports, so if you start for example 10 clients using CLI, you could then assign each client to a different port - ie ( 5001,5002,5003,5004...) and then assign each of those ports a different proxy using the third party application.
  7. remove the else if, to simply if statements. Because else will only be executed if the prior if statement is false. So basically what was happening is you weren't at the bank, so the first if statement was true, and therefore it walked to the bank, which then dismissed any other statements because you used " else ", which in simple terms is basically saying if A is not true, then do B, but because A is true, B is dismissed.. private void bankOre() throws InterruptedException { if(!Banks.VARROCK_EAST.contains(myPosition()) && getInventory().isFull() && !myPlayer().isAnimating() && !getBank().isOpen() && !getDialogues().isPendingContinuation()) { log("Walking to VARROCK_EAST..."); getWalking().webWalk(Banks.VARROCK_EAST); } if(Banks.VARROCK_EAST.contains(myPosition()) && !getBank().isOpen()) { log("Opening Bank.."); getBank().open(); } if(getBank().isOpen() && getInventory().contains("Iron ore") && Banks.VARROCK_EAST.contains(myPosition())) { log("Depositing Ore.."); getBank().depositAll("Iron ore"); } if(getBank().isOpen() && !getInventory().contains("Iron ore") && Banks.VARROCK_EAST.contains(myPosition())) { log("Closing Bank.."); getBank().close(); } }
  8. I believe jagex changed the configs for tutorial island, since this is open source, you're more than capable of replacing the old configs with the newer ones.
  9. Does each individual client need a unique proxy? & In regards to connection dropping & returning you to login screen, I believe it depends on time spent reestablishing a connection, but I'm 99% sure it will return you to the lobby screen if not the login screen, however if your script is written efficiently then it would be capable of handling disconnects and resuming set task.
  10. Based on this response, wouldn't it be more ideal to check whether the config is not = to 0 ( Quest not started ) & not equal to ... ( Quest finished ), so > private boolean Goblin() { return getConfigs().get(63) != 0 && getConfigs().get(63) != (INT = to completed); } this would check if the quest is started and not finished.
  11. You could check that client is logged in before calling getInventory() or that inventory widget exists & is not = to null. I think to check you're logged in before calling getInventory() would be > if(getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 30) { getInventory().contains("SOMEITEM") } then if you're determined that you SHOULD be logged in, I would suggest a conditional sleep after the check and then recheck, like this > if(getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 30) { getInventory().contains("SOMEITEM") } else { new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 30; } }.sleep(); //recall entire method or just simply " getInventory... " } OR Scrap that entire thing and after logging in, before you begin to execute methods, simply call a conditional sleep to return true on loginstate = to 30, so > //start of methods new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return getClient().getLoginStateValue() == 30; } }.sleep(); this is mostly on the basis that your initial login hasn't failed.
  12. Rotating camera occasionally + mouse movement on separate occasions ( Essentially " checking your surroundings " ) A quick search suggested something similar to > NPC Man = getNpcs().closest("Man"); getCamera().toEntity(Man); very basic example and would need to be adjusted accordingly, but it gives you a idea.
  13. I'm not sure whether you could implement proxy switching via a script, as I don't believe OSBot supports it, however there could potentially be a work around without loading a new client, one of those would be to set the proxy to your outgoing connections as a whole ( or specifying runescape worlds/servers ), similar to a VPN or Proxifier, but that would mean everything including other potential clients you may be running would be using the same proxy ( if that's a issue ). This would work as I know runescape doesn't need to be reloaded in order to be communicating over a new proxy tunnel ( atleast for osrs - RS3 this doesn't work, as it expires your session ).
  14. It's more ideal to acquire residential rather than datacenter socks5 too, just a heads up.
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