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Posts posted by communist1234

  1. 3 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

    Ya I know, but GE restockig changes a lot in every script, it's never just 1 task :D
    1 task becomes 50 tasks before you can blink ^^

    Fair enough, I know next to nothing about coding. 

    Really happy with this one so far though, regardless.

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/22/2021 at 1:04 AM, Khaleesi said:

    Not atm but it's on my todo list :)

    Just bought it anyways. Working great, as your scripts usually do. I hope GE restocking is somewhere on the horizon. It'd be super useful for this script and your cooker. Even the runecrafter. I assume the code would be the same for each one - so it's not a totally separate job to add it to each script. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Eredinek said:

    I wanna run it for profit mostly 

    Then get a different script. Fishing is pretty bad profit. If you really insist, then wait until like Lava Eels or something, but they're high requirements even outside of fishing.

    • Heart 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Eredinek said:

    Hey brother don't enable my trial now i wanna buy a good fishing account first. Any advice when buying a fishing account which level etc?

    Just level it yourself, that's what the script is for! I'd suggest doing quests to get through the early levels anyways. Then once you hit like 20 (or 25, I forget) for trout and you're basically home free. Once you can fly fish, which is quick to get to, you may as well just run this script yourself.

  5. 5 hours ago, Czar said:

    Hey mate, sure so it will have to be: modify the reaction timer to 50ms instead of default 1000ms, you will notice a huge speed increase. Aside from that, it's nice to have -65 defence bonus and zoom the camera to minimise the distance between the spell and the npc, with spell filtering turned on (optional).

    Done gl my friend. We're in the process of a new layout for the setup window with more options/settings :D

    Did it get removed from the SDN? I'm not seeing it in my script list. Tried refreshing and restarting the client, but still don't see it.

  6. I'm having issues with the pirate part of RFD. It keeps getting stuck on the dialogue about "fishy with round head" or something like that. It's when you're talking to Nung, right before you go into the cave to collect the mudskipper hides. 


    I'll try to get the logs again tomorrow. My client froze and I'm done for the night.

  7. Hey, small suggestion. Are you able to make it so the script only picks up items that you've dropped? Or add an option for that.


    I find that whenever someone else has dropped items like say a white lily, the script will pick it up every time. Seems kind of bot like to run across the farming area to pick up someone else's useless junk.


    This is such a great script. Can't wait for more locations. And I know I've mentioned before, but adding hops to the farming list would be incredible. Easy 75-100k or so to each farming run - it only adds an extra few minutes.

  8. I liked this after the trial, I'll likely end up getting this either way, but have you considered adding GE restocking? I try not to keep too much GP on my botted accounts, so it'd be nice for something like alching. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Khaleesi said:

    I will have a look at that

    Please do! I've been trying for over a year now to get an account ready for bloods and I think I'm finally close. Kept catching bans along the way. 

    When I play legit, I chisel while I run. Maybe that isn't feasible, but if you had a fast chisel mode for when it's at the altar(s), you could fast chisel, then run. Hoping I can try this out on bloods sooner than later. 



    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Token said:

    Will push an update shortly

    Did it die, was it previously started before running the script, or did you restart the script?

    Much appreciated. Great work as usual. I botted 85 quest points on a brand new account yesterday. Maybe a little overboard, but no ban!

  11. 15 minutes ago, pooplet said:

    Hey, just wondering if this script is having issues? Currently i've yet to see the script ever attack superior monsters while doing slayer. Was curious if im doing something wrong or what?

    Pretty sure you need to add them to the list of monsters to attack, no?

    • Like 1
  12. Hey first thing I'm noticing is that it'll go to "use" the bones on the altar, then immediately goes back to try to click the same inventory spot again. Almost as though it thinks it missed selecting it the first time, so it retries the action. I wonder if that's just lag from world 330?


    Also, for the gilded altar I keep ending up in a non maxed house so I'm not getting full xp for my bones. Is it possible to add a failsafe so that it stops offering bones if it isn't getting max XP?

    • Like 1
  13. On 12/10/2021 at 12:22 PM, Czar said:

    Personally a full inv minus 3-4 slots has worked best for me, but it's all up to preference. I just follow the guides on youtube tbh :doge: 

    Sure does, and either un-notes at the bandit camp or uses humidify spell to re-fill the waterskins. Authed you a trial so you can see if you like the bot or not. Gl sir :)

    How do I get that to work? I selected sandstone and it took me back to the bank at Shanty Pass.


    EDIT: I'm dumb, figured it out.

  14. Token, small request and not a big deal.


    Is it possible to make the default food something useful? I keep forgetting to change it (I'm used to it being salmon), so now I keep dying because it's bringing shrimp. Sure, keep the option for shrimp, but not have it as default.

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