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Posts posted by dubanon

  1. 6 hours ago, Gunman said:

    There was your mistake. When botting include the hours played legit in the day also. If you play 6 hours in day I would recommend not botting at all that day. Only bot on days you are gonna play 4 hours or less in. I did a similar mistake by playing 7 hours then I tested a script for about 15-20 minutes it worked perfect but I got banned because I played 10 hours that day even tho 90% of them were legit.

    Oh okay fair enough, so how long can people normally bot before getting banned?

  2. On 4/30/2019 at 2:16 PM, Gunman said:

    Did you only bot for an hour or 2 on those days or did you also play a ton legit? like did you bot an hour and played 5-6 hours legit? Or only botted and thats it.

    yeah i played a few hours also, on normal days before botting ill play for 5-6 hours also


    5 minutes ago, Runnwith said:

    Botting isn't like how it was where you could turn a script on and leave it for hours by itself and not expect a ban soon. Gold farming now is to have a method that works for you to make the most amount of money before a ban comes. But one thing that is echo'd around here is that you don't bot accounts you're not willing to lose.

    Botting for less then 4 hours over 3 days though? 24-51 fishing for a perm ban? 

    Is there such thing as a 24hour ban anymore

  4. Lol.

    First time botting since like 2005 

    Decided to buy czhars fisher for lile $9 i thought why not.

    I botted for 1 hour on sat. 1 hour sun day and 2 hours lastnight and i was done fishing and i was about to go to wintertodt for 99 fm legit.

    Anyways i would often fish for 20 mins before and after starting the bot. In the end i got from 24-51 fishing botting/playing since i got it 3 days ago..

    Seems shit. I put alot of hours into the hcim though it was still new. 

    Is this the new thing now? Instant perm bann? I thought we got a 24 hour warning.... i feel like a perm ban for 4 hours or less botting is abit harsh

    Not too worried just surprised as i wanted to start a goldfarm but now i dont see how thats possible..

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