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  1. Underground Pass Regicide Roving Elves Mournings End Pt 1 Mournings End Pt 2 Account is 89 agility, 90+ range, 40+def, 50+ prayer. Paying in 07/, have this posted up in a few places, so best price/first come first serve takes it. Discord: JUST1N#8376
  2. hard pass https://osbot.org/forum/topic/155353-dispute-against-perry-got-2-of-my-accounts-banned/
  3. Does that include getting the handful of stats and items required?
  4. My HC just died so I need someone to get some base stats & quests on a new account while I go break some things. Looking for; 1-50 Firemaking Clue hunter outfit (just enough for todt) waterfall quest Cooks assistant dorics quest goblin diplomacy the restless ghost romeo & juliet sheep shearer shield of arrav vampire slayer witches potion prince ali rescue pirates treasure demon slayer plague city biohazard rune mysteries priest in peril You can use any method to kill any NPCs (fire strike prob best ngl), you'll need to get all/any required stats/items/food/resources. You're more than welcome to do stronghold for 10k gp. This account is fresh off TUT island with nothing but membership, please bear this in mind when pricing. I'd ideally like this completely within 6 days (finished on Friday the 12th). I'd also ask that in the event of the account dying, i would re-make and you would supply the bond. I'll also be asking for pictures of quests/skills, please no botting. I'm able to pay in 07 only, happy to pay up-front if you have a nice amount of feedback. My discord is JUST1N #8376, please only add if you're serious, i'll be doing pm checks for imposters also : ) Thankyou for reading
  5. X marks the spot animal magnetism Cold war temple of ikov troll stronghold tourist trap lost city fairy tale pt1 the feud fishing contest the golem the grand tree shilo village lost tribe wanted tower of life shadow of the storm mountain daughter monks friend paying 07 - discord is JUST1N #8376
  6. I got a quote after this thread was pushed - hence i said closed u monkey brain toddler
  7. dbuffed prices for that exact list is less than half of what u quoted u plonker
  8. lol closed - god damn some of u guys pull prices out of ur ass lol
  9. shilo village queen of thieves olafs quest observatory murder mystery mountain daughter the golem enakhras lament zogre flesh eaters rum deal ascent of arceuus clock tower death to the dorgeshuun depths of despair Shadow of the storm Tears of Guthix Looking to pay in 07, you must have a reasonable amount of service feedback. My discord is JUST1N#8376, should you wish to contact me. Thanks
  10. dbuffed team doing it - closed
  11. Death Plateau Troll Stronghold Enlightened Journey The Eyes of Glouphrie RFD Monkey Sub quest Monks Friend Plague City Biohazard Looking for an immediate start & you'll be required to obtain all items needed (regular account with GE access). Discord: JUST1N#8376
  12. still looking for prices
  13. Disputed member: @Arcus Thread Link: N/A Explanation: The 6% discount code they offer on their advertisement (located at the bottom of the page) does not work, and they will not provide an alternative 6% discount code. (They don't reply on the on-site chat). Evidence:
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