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Everything posted by Neanel

  1. 150M as Easy Money offered is a reasonable price, you probably won't find much lower.
  2. Do you see your script in the script selector? You need to click the refresh button in order for it to update
  3. It should work fine, as Tom said above make sure you spell the item correctly (case sensitive). If it still doesn't work, post the actual code perhaps something else is wrong.
  4. For 1: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/map/Area.html Make an area of the chicken pen & check if the bones are inside this area.
  5. So could you post the log output? Then it'll be clearer what the problem is
  6. Could you place a log in all your statements & show us the output? Place variables in the logs so you can track them.
  7. Are you checking if the player is already in the area before calling the webwalk event? Otherwise it would just be stuck in a loop. if suddenly you’re script isn’t doing anything you might wanna reinstall everything & check if there are no nullpointers when assigning a value to a variable.
  8. Place a log after "execute(webEvent)" & see if it ever gets there, if it does you know the problem is indeed with webwalking, when do you exactly call this function? If it's not, place logs throughout the script & see which one shows up last to know where exactly it failed.
  9. Those functions have a margin of +-6, I believe. But as zwaffel mentioned both return a boolean either way. Or you could check if the currentPitch is within 6 of the targetPitch. Or you could keep recalling the function until it has the exact position you want.
  10. You would lose a huge number of lines & your code would be a lot more readable if you can get Explv's sleep method to work, so might want to look into that first. Did you copy his class & put into a java file called Sleep.java? Make sure that the class/constructor name is the same as whatever your file is called. Then import said file to your script & use it as shown in his post. If it still doesn't work, post here what errors it gives you so I know what the actual problem is Neanel
  11. Hey there, I've been looking into walkPath for some time now as it seems to be the most efficient way to go to certain areas without using too much RAM (Looking at you, webwalk). This worked fine but when I moved to my next script, there were obstacles in the way & as you know; walkPath does not handle obstacles. So the simple solution was of course too split up the paths & handle the objects after each sub-path, which again worked fine, but gave me too much things to keep track of so I started searching for a solution to walk a path while handling any obstacle in the way (or at least gates & stairs), which I did not find. I decided to make a solution for this problem & I've been making great progress, but I hit another problem: When you go up for example up/down certain ladders, the z-position doesn't change but instead the x/y-position changes completely (like +5000), which made me unable to sort the getPath of a WalkingEvent by distance of the player thus making it hard to determine if a player can or can't reach the next position. Which leads me to my question, how do I get the next position that my player will try to walk to when using walkPath, considering that a player can start in the middle of the path & will still go to the next one? There's probably a simple solution that I overlooked (I hope). Thanks in advance, Neanel TL;DR: How to determine next position of walkPath?
  12. Both very helpful, thanks a lot! I am a beginner in the whole OSBot API so I should probably start by going through that. i was thinking of creating an array of Strings (or is Items better?) & then just using getBank.contains(item) in a for loop to withdraw, then another for-loop to interact with those items if they are equipment. Does that seem about right or am I forgetting something?
  13. Thanks for the useful comment xoxo
  14. Hey there, I was wondering what the best method was for grabbing gear from the bank & equipping it + filling the inventory with the necessary items. How would you ignore items that are already in the equipment/inventory, or deposit the items that aren't part of the necessary inventory/equipment? I've found multiple solutions but they all seem a bit overly difficult for something like this. Let me know what you think & thanks in advance, Neanel
  15. Get the position of the monster you are interacting with & loot items only on that position, this won't always be correct but it's a start. For a fail safe use the onMessage method to check if the loot isn't yours I guess.
  16. Well that's exactly why he keeps interacting with the anvil again, the "readyToSmith()" function would still be true even if you are smithing because you'd have iron bars. With the "sleepUntil" he would be idle until you CAN'T smith anymore At some point you're everything in your first if-statement is true which causes it to interact with the anvil again.
  17. Use sleepUntil: & then just make a function like private boolean canMakePlatebodies(){ return getInventory().getAmount("Iron bar") >= 5; } //In your function Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !canMakePlatebodies, 5000);
  18. Alright thanks mate! It’s not, probably because it thinks it’s taking the right path by using the lever.
  19. Ah alright, didn’t think of that possibility but that should work, thanks! Does making a path instead of webwalking increase banrate? & is it interesting to create multiple possible paths & then randomize between those?
  20. Let me rephrase, how do I webwalk this route? It has to cut the web & not use the lever back (which it currently does for some reason). Thanks, Neanel
  21. Hello, I'm trying to webwalk from the wilderness lever (from edgeville) to the Lava Dragon Isle. The shortest way is to just go through the web up north & then go past the hellhounds to the south (& through the gate), but for some reason he keeps using the wilderness lever to ardougne. I thought it was because the web wasn't slashed, but even after I manually slashed the web he does the same thing. Any idea why? Thanks in advance, Neanel
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