Yes and no. I guess I am pretty old school when doing certain things even though I use a lot of runelites plugins.
The idea I am trying to state is not to create the same random "randomness-actions". Rather I am stating that you could create a large pool of different actions based on the individual client/character botting.
Just like normal players all do things differently, some check their exp constantly and stop some check only a few skills and the rest they just autopilot while watching netflix. Some check both runelite and OSRS when old muscle memory kicks in. Some won't do any of that and will constantly have their mouse off screen. This can go on and on. In theory, you could implement something to give each instance a unique ID based off XYZ parameters etc etc more details blah blah. From there it would create a "profile" of "common habits" your unique id specifically does with deviations among each ID. Some a lot different from others. Hell you could have some dumb asses who like to randomly make their mouse go in a circle across their screen while waiting for an animation/actions to finish (me for example). As mentioned earlier by another member he has put in a fatigue system which, is also a great way to have deviations.
This would create more "unique play" and delaying bans, as "automated/pattern matching" algorithms would have a harder time. This coupled with you writing your own script for whatever client you are using would greatly reduce ban rates especially in mains/pures/anything not intended to suicide gold farm.
Again this would just be base on the idea of, them having an implemented algorithm that runs on pattern matching. Manual watching and any means of memory reading and client detection would be another story.
Edit: again this is all just talk, actually engineering/developing something like this would take time but, again would vastly improve safety on one front.