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oopsie woopsie

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  1. Banned after two days of two 1hr sessions. Used in the past with no trouble. Avoid til fixed.
  2. In my trial period, I noticed the portal mode didn't target anything else, and the protect the knight was too slow compared to other players, but the normal attack monsters/prio spinners worked great. I had auto retaliate on using ranged gear. I think I ran it for ~5 hours with 2 manual breaks. Targeting monsters is a legit strat for exp, so its not too sus.
  3. hey, I enjoyed my trial. The script seemed to run flawlessly, but I had a few questions before buying - does the portal mode target nearby monsters/prioritize spinners? Also, is there a breaking between wave feature? The included osbot break handler will stop mid-defense, which screams "hey I'm a broken bot". I promptly disabled it. One last question - is it better to leave auto-retaliate on or off?
  4. Could I please get a trial?
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