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gyrater last won the day on January 26 2022

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  1. Lots of trial and error. Good luck! let me know if you want me to do it for you
  2. there's never a guarantee of not being banned while botting. The claim I'm making is this: the steps I take minimize the risks of a ban low enough that it is possible to get 99 (13m exp) in all 23 skills.
  3. With stubbornness, I was referring to making my service work. With botting, I'm completely on the same page as you on trial and error. Had to go through so many accounts over the span of 4-5 years just for the sake of a childhood dream.
  4. I can be stubborn when I want to get something done. My stubbornness was the only way I managed to achieve this anyways. To each their own way of doing things
  5. Thanks! Good luck! play it safe and experiment with throwaway accounts before using a script with the main and you'll get better results
  6. good luck! keep it safe, that's still an impressive main. No comment on the AHK but everything I did was systematic enough to last all 23 skills haha
  7. A While back I finally botted my main to a max cape. This wasn't my first main and it wasn't my first attempt. I've been botting for a few years now and it was mostly for this one goal. Posting my progress reports here as evidence (see imgur link). For those of you still working up to this, best of luck. Unfortunately I can't give away what I used or how I did it because I am currently trying to make a service out of it at a significantly reduced rate from service providers who offer services completed by hand. If you are interested in trying me out for that one skill you could never bot to the level you wanted or have always wanted a certain skill cape (or a max cape), reach out and maybe we can work something out https://imgur.com/a/0bsLDkQ
  8. Bot using new accounts that you aren't afraid of losing. Chain bans do happen. Avoid playing on the same IP you bot on or, if you are unfamiliar with finding residential IPs, don't log into the accounts you don't want to lose for a week or so and then start botting with your throwaways. If you have a separate laptop/pc at home, use that for your botting so as to minimize the connection between your main accounts and your bots (still wouldn't recommend botting and playing at the same time since you're new to this)
  9. if you aren't gold farming, let me bot for you and you'll stay undetected and avoid the ban hammer
  10. 195m. Order would be completed via botting but I have botted 95% of a max cape and am capable of finishing your order without any issues. You can have a middleman hold the gp until the order is complete or we can do it in increments if you like.
  11. Fishing & Hunter: 326m Woodcutting: 130m Smithing: 154m The skills would be botted but I have managed to get a max cape botting 95% of it (including those skills). You can have a middleman hold the gp for the entire order until it is completed or we can do it in increments if you like. Message me if you'd like any evidence for the claims I'm making or would like to discuss any sort of order
  12. Have botted 95% of a max cape. Gotten 99 agility on multiple accounts. Asking for 130m and can do it in increments if you're interested. Here's my service post
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