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Posts posted by Nor3g

  1. It would be expected that Jagex improves their RWT detection over time. The simplest answer I can think of is more frequent muling with more layers of mules aswell as different muling techniques such as drop trading, wildy trading and perhaps duel arena, but duel arena is allready full of people buying gold and gambling it away so perhaps you could leave that out.

  2. 5 hours ago, Its Not Okay said:

    Why'd you go for 2640v2s? You could've gone for the older Xeons for a fraction of the price, I got 2 2680v2 for 200usd each. They have same core count, these have a higher clock and a bit higher power consumption.. And how much did the RAM cost you?

    I haven't bought anything yet, I'm still considering my options. It was just me having a first look at what computing power I would need to power the farm, and now I'm researching the most processing power I can get for the lowest price. Electricity is very cheap for me, so I won't bother with power consumption, but yes you are correct. Buying second hand server CPUs will probably be a much better value deal.

  3. I have developed a software that launches a client when another client requests it, and sometimes when there are multiple clients requesting a client, the launcher have to launch two clients at once. Sometimes this results in "Bot initialization error" for one of the clients launched. I'm contemplating redesigning my software so that no client may be launched within 10-20 seconds of each other, but if there is a simpler fix to this I would rather do that to improve efficiency. I'm using -allow lowcpu for all my clients.

    Thanks for your help in advance! :)

  4. 1 hour ago, botluvr said:

    you want to have VPN'S for this. also your mules should trade mules bot>mule>mule

    I'm going to look into proxies when I launch the full fledged farm. So far all I have done is testing to iron out bugs and implement fail safes that I need. Once the farm is able to run continuously without any manual help I will have a system to assign different proxies on them. As far as VPS I will just have to see if I can find a deal that is profitable with the income I'm currently seeing. As for the muleweb I'm still trying to find the best solution for this. Since I already have the bot to mule system in place, implementing a mule to supermule will be easy. I'm reading up on other forum posts to see if I can find out what the best way to do it is before I will make the decision though. Thanks for the feedback! :)

  5. 11.03.19

    Successfully tested the farm so far. Account replacement is working flawlessly. I added some checks to the muling system to make sure the bot doesn't wait forever if a mule is banned. Somehow I managed to break the mule part of the script, so I'm currently attempting to fix it. In any case it was absolutely necessary to have this check in place so it isn't a big deal. During the test phase Everything has been running on one IP. Including the mules, and suprisingly only two mules have been banned. One with only 200k on it and one with absolutely nothing. Average actual profit every day is unclear because I have been adding in failsafes in all the scripts and softwares and that has taken some time from actual botting time. So far with 10 bots running 24/7 I have calculated, with the time online that I can make about 100$ every month. This is very promising because these numbers can then be extrapolated to 1000$ every month for 100 bots running 24/7. This is of course including training time for the bots and given that the current banrate stays the same. 
    So I have decided to go ahead with building my very own server that hopefully can support this many bots. Here is the current setup I'm looking to buy:
    2x Intel Xeon E5-2640 V4 CPU
    8x Kingston 32GB DDR4 2400Mhz ECC Reg 

    1x ATI 5870 GPU


    For a total of 256GB RAM and 20 Cores at 2.4Ghz. I think my main bottleneck will be the CPU So I'll be looking into maybe splitting the RAM over 2 different computers/servers with 2x extra CPUs.

    Everything will of course have a strong cooling system in place.

    I have yet to calculate exactely when I'll break even but I'm counting on running about 320 bots 24/7 and I think it'll take me about 2-3 months before I break even on that investment.

    As far as software goes my current goal is to implement a mule web that supports bond transfers so I can expand to members and partake in more lucrative money makers there. This is so that I can earn more per computing power unit, reducing the time it'll take to break even, make more money, or continue investing in additional servers. Long term I would like to leave F2P all together to focus purely on better moneymakers in the member worlds, but for now F2P botting is going to repay the hardware investment and fund the entrance into members.


  6. On 3/3/2019 at 5:24 AM, mackeel90 said:

    Hello everyone, I've been inactive in the runescape community for a couple of years now and i'm just now getting back into the mix of things. I used to bot before I left, nothing serious though just wanted to get my main's stats up. Anyway to the topic at hand, I would like to get into gold farming but I'm not too sure how to do so. I've looked through a few goals post of a few members here and I see that just about all of them who have a what is considered a large bot farm do their own coding. I, myself don't code or know anything about coding so I was wondering for a person of my stature, how should I go along doing this the most efficient way possible? A lot of the people with the large gold mines have what seems to me, a person without coding knowledge, a very complex setup. What im looking for here isn't a money making method but all of the steps before that I should say? Being that i'm not a coder how would I be able to do what they do? In terms of having a means to create hundreds of accounts and having a database to store the information and so forth. I guess what i'm asking is do people sell "programs" like this. I haven't the slightest clue what to call it. I probably sound like a noob right now but fuck it, it doesn't hurt to try I guess. Don't flame me lmao


    I've just built my own gold farm so I'll throw in my 2 cents here;

    If you want to farm serious money, you either have to put in a semi big investment, certainly a relatively big one if you're short on money to begin with, or you're going to have to learn to code.

    First option is to shell out a, depending on your current economic situation of course, large sum of cash on what is essentially for you a dark hole with no bottom in sight. That's a really stupid thing to do so you'll first need to grab some free scripts, play around with it, manually do everything you can't yet do from account creation to replacement, and logging. Then you'll need to figure out if what you want to do is profitable or not, and finally once you maybe have it figured out, negotiate a price with someone willing to develop the tools you want for a price you're willing to pay, and when the bugs and missing features appear, and trust me they will, you'll need to pay even more for someone to fix it or add it for you. Depending on weather or not you actually got the source code from the first guy you paid, you may have to negotiate with the same guy, who then becomes your only supplier of what you need, permanently making sure that you will always have to pay top dollar. Of course some people will be nicer than others and you have some leverage because of the feedback system, but I think you know where i'm going with this.

    Second option is to code it yourself. This takes some time, but will give you a valuable skill that is useful in many other situations and more importantly it gives you full control. If you want something done, you can just do it yourself. Now of course, you'll still have to learn the ins and outs of botting, but once you notice a problem, it becomes waay easier to fix, because if it's simple you can just fix it right away.

    Of course there are loads of free tools available. I would check out the new one called RSMaster. I personally loved it's design, and it was really nice to look at and use, however it was too weak for my purposes, and when it was released I had already built my own Farm Manager that had a lot of features that RSMaster was and still is lacking. Now RSMaster, as far as I can see is completely open source so you can start with that and modify it as you go. I personally would just start from scratch and build one in Java, since the OSBot scripts come in java you can hit two targets with one bullet so to speak. However it might be easier and more motivating for you to have an already functional software, and be able to see the results immeditely. Either way, this is my reccomendations for you:

    Start with free scripts, play around with them on throwaway accounts, see what works and what doesn't and after that it's all up to you how you want to go about doing it! :)

  7. 18 hours ago, Lost Panda said:

    looks good ma man , goodluck moving forward


    9 hours ago, PKDealer said:

    woo this seems a little bit unrealistic, but gl fren, keep showing us ur progress

    I'll take that as a compliment! :)


    10 mill muled successfully overnight with between 10-15 bots activated.

    Only 65k where lost due to bans, allthough I don't know the value of the items lost. All bots where banned and immediately replaced, no mules where banned.

  8. 01.03.19

    One month has passed! The project is well underway, and so far I'm looking at a small profit of 1m/day in sub-optimal test conditions. I must say I'm impressed with myself and how far I've come with this. 

    During the next few days I will do a lot of testing, since I finally had the time to implement the muling script fully, as a task, into the main script. However, before that I need to set up all the different configs I need, so I've made a spreadsheet that covers all requirements, and one that covers everything that the config is supposed to accomplish during it's time online. Here is the excel spreadsheet I'm using to keep track of it. The different configs will only have a number as a name:


    The farm manager account launcher, now with toggled editables to avoid user errors, fully dynamic add and remove script configs&tasks:


    Mules update their current wealth straight to the database making it easy to find one that is ready to sell, accounts are replaced immediately on ban:



    • Like 1
  9. On 2/26/2019 at 10:30 PM, Keyster99 said:

    Wow amazing gl bro :boge: 

    Thanks! :)


    The new account launcher GUI is taking form. It's not pretty, but it's dynamic, and more importantly, it's functional:


    Next I need to make a listunpacker that unpacks the lists inside the lists and outputs them into a String I can use to request an applicable account from the database.

    • Boge 1
  10. 10 hours ago, bankerkrak said:

    Looks mad advanced, really curious to see the results, or like a progress vid when it's up and running

    Thanks! I might release monthly reports once I'm done with the tests and actually have it set up properly. Right now I can run about 10 bots with the computer being useful enough for basic web browsing but above 15 and it becomes completely unbearable so I haven't launched it for all out farming yet. However once I've implemented the muling as a task, and have dynamic panels to make a very custom setup I will run some first tests and see if I can actually turn a decent profit.

    I've begun reprogramming the GUI to handle dynamic panels, but given how I am completely fresh to Java programming, yet alone GUI programming and design, it's taking me some time to wrap my head around how exactely I'm going to make it work. As you can see from the thread I am a big fan of flowcharts to visualize the process, here is what I've come up with so far:


    Untitled Diagram.png

  11. 14 hours ago, rawtech said:

    Great project!

    How long do your accounts typically last if you're flagging them at 12 hours runtime? Enough time to mule a profit I assume?


    Thanks! :)

    They last about 10 hours on average, but some get banned much quicker than that and some go on for much longer, either way they are currently all F2P so it's not a problem if they get banned. They mule once their script is done, so they powerlevel, then moneymake for 2 hours, break for one hour, then moneymake for 2 hour more etc. After every moneymaking session they mule, however that's only because the mulingpart is implemented at the end of the script. I'm planning on adding it as a task so I can play around with muling every 40 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour, 3 hour etc.


    2 hours ago, Arches said:

    Curious to see how this grows, have you considered using proxies?


    Yes I have! Actually, because I need to change IPs very often, probably every day with the current banrate, I'm thinking about buying some SIM-card with unlimited dataplans and set them up with a dongle so I can have a IP change, effectively, a new proxy, whenever I want.


    2 hours ago, Chunky_Chick said:

    Best of luck! Looking forward to the progress :)


    Thank you! :)


    A custom login handler has been implemented into the script, making the getnamescript and the tutisland script obsolete. Some bugs still remain with the custom login handler, but all in all it works. 
    I will start optimalizing the Farm Manager for the new script setup, remove legacy code etc. Before I take on adding new features.


    Here are some pics of the account creator wich works flawlessly now:


    For the account launcher I'm going to make it possible to add new panels dynamically, and new conditions dynamically, so that I can have for example, Select bots that have both more than 23 combat and less than 15 fletching and send them to fish yew in the Ardougne ocean. Currently, I've implemented a rudimentary system with only two panels and one condition, and they are both static. This allows me to train one skill, and then moneymake it after it's reached it's moneymakingable lvl. 

    Account Launcher: 



  12. 25.02.19

    Going to implement a custom login handler into the main script so I can get rid off the getname script.


    Also going to optimize the main script with randomize order of operation during a given task.

    And working on a giant code snippet that will include most if not all wearable items in OSRS and their stat requirement so that my bots can gear up with the optimal gear they have.

    Almost half of the bots on my home IP has been banned so far so i'm going to look into changing my home IP soon, and implement a jagex files deleter into the farm-manager.

    Statistics panel have been started on.

    Going to implement a warning system notifying if any bots have ran for longer than 12 hours, indicating that something went wrong and that there is most likely a bug in the script.

  13. Suggestion: Make the loop task able to go in reverse. Now it has to go through the tasks before it can loop it and randomize it. It would be nice to be able to place it on the top then maybe instead of saying loop the past 3 task, loop the past -3 tasks so that it could be placed on the beginning then it loops the next tasks instead.

  14. 21.02.19

    I re-wrote the botpart-mulingscript so it could have more failsafes. The bots are coming along nice and steady, and only have had 2 bans so far. I haven't given much thought into how much money they are earning yet, partly because I'm enjoying the system just working, but mostly because this is just a test phase to see if everything works correctly.

    Also I'm designing a new GUI for the account launcher because it's getting really tiresome to go into the code every time i'm going to add or edit the name/parameters of a script.


  15. Pseudocode: 

       If (im not in the bank) {
           go there 
           } else if (im in the bank) {
                     if (I have finished banking) {
                             if (im not in trade) {
                                 if (mule is here) {
                                    if (2nd trade screen open) {
                                        accept trade
                                        } else if (2nd trade screen isn't open) {
                                                  if (im in trade with mule) {
                                                      if (other player is mule) {
                                                         if (our offer contains coins) {
                                                            accept trade
                                                            } else if (our offer doesn't contain coins) {
                                                                      offer all coins
                                                         } else if (other player isn't mule) {
                                                                   decline trade
                                                      } else if (im not in trade with mule) {
                                                                interact trade with mule
                                    } else if (mule isn't here) {
                                               if (mule has been launched) {
                                                   } else if (mule has not been launched) {
                                                              get mule
                                                              mule has been launched
                             }else if (I haven't finished banking) {
                                   if (The bank isn't open) {
                                       open the bank
                                       } else if (The bank is open) {
                                                  if (the bank contains coins) {
                                                      withdraw coins
                                                      } else if (the bank doesn't contain coins) {
                                                                close bank
                                                                I have finished banking


        private void bank(boolean banked, boolean launched) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            banked = false;
            launched = false;
            log ("banking finished: " + banked);
            log ("banking finished: " + launched);
            while (!banked && !launched) {
                log("starting bank&mule..");
                if (!Banks.VARROCK_WEST.contains(myPosition())) {
                    log("Walking to muling location");
                } else if (Banks.VARROCK_WEST.contains(myPosition())) {
                    log("We're at muling location");
                    if (banked = true) {
                        if (!trade.isCurrentlyTrading()) {
                            if (getPlayers().closest(mule) != null && getPlayers().closest(mule).interact("Trade with.")) {
                                if (!trade.isSecondInterfaceOpen()) {
                                    if (trade.isCurrentlyTrading()) {
                                        if (trade.getOtherPlayer().equals(mule)) {
                                            if (trade.getOurOffers().contains("Coins")) {
                                                log("Accepting trade");
                                            } else if (!trade.getOurOffers().contains("Coins")) {
                                                log("Offering coins");
                                        } else if (!trade.getOtherPlayer().equals(mule)) {
                                            log("Trading the wrong player, declining");
                                    } else if (!trade.isCurrentlyTrading()) {
                                        log ("Trying to trade with: " + mule);
                                        getPlayers().closest(mule).interact("Trade with.");
                                } else if (!trade.isSecondInterfaceOpen()) {
                                    log ("Accepting second trade");
                            } else if (getPlayers().closest(mule) != null && !getPlayers().closest(mule).interact("Trade with")) {
                                if (launched) {
                                    log("Waiting for mule..");
                                    sleep(random(500, 5000));
                                } else if (!launched) {
                                    log("Launching mule from server");
                                    launched = true;
                    } else if (banked = false) {
                        log("banking completed: " + banked);
                        if (!getBank().isOpen()) {
                            log("Opening bank");
                        } else if (getBank().isOpen()) {
                            if (getBank().contains("Coins")) {
                                log("Withdrawing coins");
                                banked = true;

    The bot just sits idle in the bank while the logger goes like this:




    I made my own booleans because I don't think I could use any of the ones in the OSbot API like getInventory().contains("Coins") would get it done properly. The bot might have coins in its inventory already and then it would never get the ones that might be in the bank. I want the script to first bank, then launch the mule, wait for it to log in, then trade it the coins when it appears. 

    Any help to let me fix this script would be very appreciated! :)


  16. Cooks Assistant should be added as a requirement to start skilling activity cooking using the lumbridge stove or else the bot gets stuck there talking to the chef.

    One bot got stuck in The Restless Ghost trying to talk to the guy in the cabin in the lumbridge swamp, whilst the door wasn't open. I've never seen this bug before, but to fix it I had to manually pause the script then click the door to open it. For reference the bot was standing right outside the door when it happened.

    logger: image.png.881e8d66c59b4f4460802e29b4ac0b73.png it happened again, with the same log output in the wizard tower during the same quest and during Rune Mysteries.

    Running the newest OSbot with lowcpu.

  17. On 2/18/2019 at 9:17 AM, Explv said:

    Are you using maven install? The project is now using maven to build the .jar

    You need to open the maven toolbar like so:


    And then run maven install

    You no longer need to configure an artifact / libraries in the project settings.

    If you still have difficulties I'd recommend just creating a new project from the GitHub source. It should tell you that it is a maven project and set everything up correctly.

    If you still have issues after trying that, I can help you out at some point, just drop me a private message.


    It worked thanks!

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