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Posts posted by Nor3g

  1. So the things I've been fixing lately:

    Found proxy vendor that gives one IP with two ports to be able to create accounts via Http and play them on SOCKS via the same IP. This way I hope to not need an account unlocker.

    Implemented proxy system for mules to safeguard funds. Profits atm is 267$/m for the 70 bots after costs. With the new proxy system I hope to reduce the banrate of the mules to get a nice 300+$/m.

    Plans for the future:

    Buy up to three more servers with the same profitability. 

    Longterm: Automate sale of gold. Example:
    Make a deal with one of the major gold selling websites and setup a server where they can connect and enter in their world and playername when they receive an email from the farm manager that it has x amount of coins to sell. mule coin value >= 10m logs in and trades over its cash to the website representative. 
    This can potential reduce loss due to bans because I can't be online 24/7 and sell all the gold. The downsides is that my operation might be too small to make it worthwhile for the gold selling website, and offering a discount will nullify the gain. The upside is that it takes out all the work from the operation so that I literally don't have to do anything at all to have it run. 

    As this project is nearing completion code-wise I have shifted my focus to learn python and machine learning. This project has been a great introduction to programming and I feel like I have laid the groundwork for actually becoming a professional programmer. Next year I will start at a University to study computer science and hopefully gold prices haven't dropped to RS3 levels by then so I can count on my farm to pay for some of my expenses!

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Gunman said:

    For proxy no. Now for any other argument, no idea. Idk whats wrong but I guess the only other thing I can think of is making sure the ip and port is correctly written. That or maybe it's your proxy provider. Want me to pm you a proxy and see if it works? It will be a datacenter proxy so if you login with it your account may or may not get locked.

    I don't think it's the proxy I am using that is the problem, since it works just fine when i launch the osbot.jar and manually enter it. The problem is exclusive to CLI launch.

    • Sad 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Gunman said:

    @Nor3g Are you loading multiple clients on 1 proxy? If so, does only 1 client load with the proxy?

    EDIT: Also does these proxy require username and passwords and you put it in the following format "-proxy ip:port:username:password"?


    Im currently just launching one client with the proxy. The proxies does not require username passwords so the format i'm using is "-proxy ip:port".
    Does the -proxy have to come before and after some of the other arguments?

    Currently I'm writing the arguments in this order: -login -bot -world -proxy -script -allow -debug

    • Like 1
  4. Hi!

    I just started experimenting with proxies on my farm and the one I bought works fine when i just launch the jar file, enter in the information and start Osbot. However, my farm manager launches via CLI and when I launch the client through CLI I get an error:

    [INFO][08/14 04:29:58 AM]: Loaded 3 RS accounts!
    [ERROR][08/14 04:30:01 AM]: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection refused: connect
    [INFO][08/14 04:30:01 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.5.53!
    [ERROR][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Failed to load hooks!
    	at java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(Unknown Source)
    	at org.osbot.BotApplication.IiiiIiiiIiiI(er:325)
    	at org.osbot.Af.IiIiiiiIIIIi(dv:177)
    	at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(er:218)
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Initializing stealth injection bot...
    [INFO][Bot #1][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters...
    [INFO][08/14 04:30:06 AM]: Started bot #1

    Debug output:

    Starting local script with name: identify
    Debug enabled on port 0
    [DEBUG][08/14 04:29:57 AM]: Injected 2 field list filters
    [DEBUG][08/14 04:29:57 AM]: Injected 2 field filters
    [DEBUG][08/14 04:29:57 AM]: Injected 2 method list filters
    [DEBUG][08/14 04:29:57 AM]: Injected 3 method filters
    In debug mode!
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 54645
    Stealth injection class-filter enabled!
    Successfully loaded OSBot!
    [INFO][08/14 04:29:58 AM]: Loaded 3 RS accounts!
    [ERROR][08/14 04:30:01 AM]: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection refused: con
    nectFailed to download user SDN script list from server.
    Loaded 4 local scripts and 0 SDN scripts.
    [INFO][08/14 04:30:01 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.5.53!
    java.net.SocketException: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection refused: conne
            at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
            at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.security.ssl.BaseSSLSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewH
    ttpClient(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(Unknown Sou
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(Unknown Sourc
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Sour
            at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect
    (Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream0(Unknown
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.access$100(Unknown Source
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$8.run(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$8.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(Unknown Sourc
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream(Unknown S
            at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getOutputStream(Unk
    nown Source)
            at org.osbot.JA.IIiiIiiiIiii(vp:474)
            at org.osbot.BotApplication.IiiiIiiiIiiI(er:325)
            at org.osbot.Af.IiIiiiiIIIIi(dv:177)
            at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(er:218)
    [ERROR][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Failed to load hooks!
            at java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(Unknown Source)
            at org.osbot.BotApplication.IiiiIiiiIiiI(er:325)
            at org.osbot.Af.IiIiiiiIIIIi(dv:177)
            at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(er:218)
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Initializing stealth injection bot...
    [INFO][Bot #1][08/14 04:30:03 AM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client para
    Bot failed to initialize! It is very likely that you are using a proxy that is n
    ot configured correctly. If you are using command-line (CLI), ensure your settin
    gs are correct.
    java.net.SocketException: Can't connect to SOCKS proxy:Connection refused: conne
            at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
            at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][08/14 04:30:06 AM]: Started bot #1
            at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(Unknown Sou
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(Unknown Sourc
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Sour
    Waiting for the game to load before starting script...  at sun.net.www.protocol.
    http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(Unknown S
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.access$200(Unknown Source
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$9.run(Unknown Source)
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$9.run(Unknown Source)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivilegedWithCombiner(Unknown Sourc
            at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown So
            at org.osbot.lpT8.IiIiiiiIIIIi(ni:15)
            at org.osbot.rs07.RS07Parameters.IiIiiiiIIIIi(qg:188)
            at org.osbot.rs07.RS07Parameters.<init>(qg:82)
            at org.osbot.core.inject.RS07ClientInjector.inject(hr:176)
            at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(xn:638)
            at org.osbot.Af.IiIiiiiIIIIi(dv:99)
            at org.osbot.BotApplication.main(er:218)
    Script did not start automatically! Game took too long to load.

    Any help is very appreciated! :)

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Parallax18 said:

    Hi @Nor3g, interesting project you got going here! As my summer holiday just started, I was considering getting into the same thing. I am first getting to the basics of botting, making use of Google's VM's to get some initial accounts through tut island, unlock and some stats etc. However, since I am only interested in doing this for the cash, the long-term goal is an automated system such as the one you are proposing, to be able to have a low-effort constant monthly income. Because if it would not be low-effort, the initial investment would never be worth it.

    Of course, I understand you would not give away any secrets. One thing I am curious about, how much time have you spent on it so far? 


    2 months for a working program. No previous professional programming experience. It is more effort to run than what it would seem. I took a break for 2 months in the middle of the 6 months I've been going at it. Most of your time will be spent not building the initial setup, but maintenance and optimization. When I have everything working (I don't yet), I can scale it up until the GE prices starts to crash. Running enough bots, you will overwhelm the GE with the item you are trying to farm, tanking prices. This is the major issue with gold farming for me atm. 


    EDIT: Say for example you had the theoretical monopoly on Coal ore in the game. It is one of the most traded items on the GE. In the last seven days, 224 Million coal ores were traded. In this scenario, all of this coal was bought by consumers to be manufactured into different items. They all bought it from you at the current GE price of 230 something gp each. That works out to about 15.5K each week, putting the total value on the coal trade at 60K USD a month, split that by say, 10 farms all farming it and it comes out to 6k USD a month. All of these assumptions are wildly unrealistic, so lets multiply that value by 0.2 and you have a measly 1200 USD for each farm. Nevermind the fact that with your entry into the market, you risk yet another price tank and then a war of attrition on who shuts down their farm first. I estimate that the total value of the OSRS gold market is less than what i anticipated when I got into it, but now I'm too deep in,  so I'll have to make it work. Im not saying it's not worth it, or that there isn't money to be made, but it might be less potential than what you think.

  6. It is possible but it is much harder. You would need to be able to fool Googles anti-bot system, and that is far more sophisticated than anything Jagex has. If you have that under control then the process would be fairly simple and you wouldn't be asking this question so I'm going to go with no, not possible.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Kramnik said:

    Just a short notice from me, probably not relevent to your case. I would try looking at bots itself instead of CPU usage :D Idk how it works but my CPU shows 100% usage at all times when I run 20 bots however it doesnt cause any problems until i run 30-40 bots and their start lagging misclicking and etc.

    The bots weren't doing anything unusual, but it did lay claim to an absurd amount of CPU time. the solution above fixed it and this is what it looks like now at 25 bots running:


    I was kind of freaking out because I invested in this server to be able to run 80 bots and have it repay itself in a month or two, but the simplest solution is always the best, and it was just to reinstall java thoroughly. Hopefully this issue won't return or else I will have to investigate it further.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Nor3g said:

    So I just got my new server three days ago. When I fired it up the first time everything worked, opening new OSbot clients was no problem and one client barely even got up to 10% CPU usage on startup. (I use both taskmanager and CPUID to monitor). Now after running for two days suddenly it uses an enormous amount of CPU, like 27% on startup, and once it cools of the startup it goes to around 3-5% wich is an enormous amount compared to the 0.5-1% I was getting just two days earlier. I have logs that show the CPU temperatur and it never went above 66 celcius. Could I somehow have managed to fuck up my CPUs or is this related to the thursday hook changes I've heard so much about? Or is it something else entirely? I Don't want to reinstall everything just yet if it is something that is fixed with a hook change on OsBots side. Nothing has changed on the script side of things, nor have the server been updated with anything new. In any case this reduces the amounts of bots I'm able to run from 80 to 20 or something.


    I don't know what caused the problem but I found a fix: Uninstall Java, Restart computer, Install Java, Restart computer.


    • Heart 1
  9. So I just got my new server three days ago. When I fired it up the first time everything worked, opening new OSbot clients was no problem and one client barely even got up to 10% CPU usage on startup. (I use both taskmanager and CPUID to monitor). Now after running for two days suddenly it uses an enormous amount of CPU, like 27% on startup, and once it cools of the startup it goes to around 3-5% wich is an enormous amount compared to the 0.5-1% I was getting just two days earlier. I have logs that show the CPU temperatur and it never went above 66 celcius. Could I somehow have managed to fuck up my CPUs or is this related to the thursday hook changes I've heard so much about? Or is it something else entirely? I Don't want to reinstall everything just yet if it is something that is fixed with a hook change on OsBots side. Nothing has changed on the script side of things, nor have the server been updated with anything new. In any case this reduces the amounts of bots I'm able to run from 80 to 20 or something.

  10. 5 hours ago, Ragboys is back said:

    I cant rly understand what you mean but the API has a few methods regarding world hopping.

    boolean hop(int world)
    Hops to the specified world id if the destination is not already the world you are in.
    Hops to a random F2P server which is not full or is PvP.





    You could solve your problem with the methods above, I guess.




    Sorry for not being clear. I mean that when Jagex changes the F2P pvp world number, instead of hardcoding in Hop(371), I could just do Hop(pvp) or something like this. It doesn't seem to be in the API atm. 

  11. 40 minutes ago, Vromstez said:

    Hey, I’m interested in creating scripts as a hobby. But can any legal actions be taken against you (the programmer of the script) when you sell these scripts? I feel that it might be an unessecary risk for me to create scripts to then get sued/prosecuted. 

    Best regards,


    The only real answer is that it has never been tested in court.

  12. Im trying to hop to a PVP world, but my script gets stuck on the dialogue. Here is the code:


    if (!Lumbridge.contains(myPosition())) {
        log("Walking to lumby");
    } else if (getDialogues().inDialogue()) {
        log("In dialogue");
        getDialogues().selectOption("Switch to it");
    } else if (worlds.getCurrentWorld() != 371) {
        log("Hopping to PVP world");
    } else if (!getBank().isOpen()) {
        log("Opening bank");


    Somehow I think the client doesn't recognize it as a dialogue. I've tried with using RS2Widget but still I had no luck.



    I've also tried 


    and it gave me the same result.

    Any help is appreciated! :)

    EDIT: It should be noted that in the logger it logs "in dialogue" so I'm suspecting that it doesn't get recognized as a dialogue at all.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Gunman said:

    Thousands quiting is better than the game getting shutting down. And honestly I would actually love to play the game again in a fresh start like that. The experience would be amazing.

    A "Hardcore" Version of OSRS/RS3 where everything is slowed down, and alching and other mass gp influxes are removed would be pretty cool. Although I'm not into OSRS for entertainment any longer, I could see the appeal of something like that.

  14. On 6/16/2019 at 6:44 PM, Duvy said:

    RS3 Is fucked for good, but can OSRS be saved?


    gold prices are crashing faster than ever. The duel arena money sink seemed to have no effect at all.

    According to my current numbers my farm is profitable (as in actually generating a decent income, the break even is even lower) down to around 0.11-0.12 USD per million gp, depending on GE prices. So I will probably shut down my farm when prices reach that level. In any case, the OSRS economy is a race to the bottom, and will continue to be so until they remove the alch spells, if they ever do that.

  15. 33 minutes ago, ring662 said:

    hi there, my scripts wont load it keeps crashing!



    1 hour ago, Decadent said:

    Some scrips dont work , some when started crash the client.


    1 hour ago, magetrip said:

    aftere forced client update, i  can't get  scripts  to work..

    also updated java, but to no succes.

    perhaps u know  the  fix?


    If you don't have the code you can't fix it. My script used LoginState, but I had to change that to GameState and then it worked again. Just contact the scripter and it's an easy fix for them.

  16. I used to listen to him, but one day I woke up and realized my youtube feed was full of him, and others like him, and politics. Most of the stuff he talks about is negative, and undoubtedly only listening to negative people will have an enormous effect on you. I'm much happier now that I cut him, and the likes of him, out of my life. As a side note I already have a clean enough room, I wash my genitals and I am not on a mission to change the world.

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