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  1. The option "Wait for loot" doenst exist but it would be a nice adition to the script. I think you meant "Loot when out of combat" which does exactly like it is saying. It loots if it finds a item but if it doesn't then it looks for a new enemy. I already tried the lowest speed of the script but it is still too fast where the script decides to fight an new enemy before the drop occurs. The problem is that the script already clicked another enemy before the loot is dropped. It runs to the new enemy and depending of the speed it does two things. One: fight the new enemy and afterwards the previous loot is picked up because it already there and while the first drop is picked up the second is spawned and that gets picked up as well. Two: Run to the new enemy and the drop spaws just before the new enemy is close enough, the script runs back to the first drop and picks it up but depending on the distance this can be really far. It would be nice if the script would wait a second till the drop spawns before fighting a new enemy. If i'm killing hill giants then the script will run across the room to get to a new enemy and if the enemy is far away then halfway it decides to run back to the drop to get the big bones. This action looks really bot like and isn't a thing a real player would do. A new option "Wait for loot" would be a great solution. The script could wait a second or two to look at the drop and decide if it has any items that it has to loot before fighting a new enemy.
  2. Hi Tom4SO, I just bought your script and I have some difficulty with the looting system. When the enemy is dead and the loot starts to show then the script is already fighting a new enemy. I already tried tuning the speed of the script but to no avail. Can you suggest a correct speed for the sliders or is it possible to suggest a new functionality to let the script wait a little time for it to decide if it has to loot the just revealed items or to fight a new enemy? Thx,
  3. Any updates on this? It takes a really long time (3 min+) to hop between worlds especially when the next world doesn't have any ores left. After a while the script also stops hopping and shows the error about data orbs. It would be nice to have the option to choose the cooldown of the world hopping timer. Currently I am mining adamantite in the expanded mining guild.
  4. Could I try the 24 hour trail?
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