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  1. Hardly arguing when you haven't said a single thing of logical substance. It's really more like talking down to a child. We've already clarified that it's not spying because they're telling you they do it and we've already pointed out the code in the client which does it. Can't be spying because it isn't being done secretly. Subhuman smooth brained trash. I'm sorry your mom smoked so much crack during her pregnancy with you. Keep editing your posts
  2. That's not how burden of proof works. Anyhow, it's not exactly spying if you're telling your users that you're doing it. It's completely legal. This is exactly the reason why privacy policies exist. Companies can get in trouble for breaking DPA though. A familiar example might be if a user buys a product or service and the company, employee, or owner who has responsibility towards keeping whatever data that was gathered during the transaction private -Shipping/personal details etc leaks them. This is illegal and can be reported to whatever ICO which is local to where the business is situated. The general procedure is a fine but it varies depending on where your business is situated - in some cases, it can even be seen as criminal. If you're unsure on what Jagexs' privacy policy is, feel free to read it at https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/privacy. You're well within your right to decline the TOS/Privacy policy and stop using Jagex products if you find them too intrusive. My conclusion is that you really don't know what you're talking about and refused to post any proof because you didn't have any. Disregarding the privacy policy, it's also crystal clear that the client does in fact report back OS versions. https://github.com/runelite-extended/runelite/blob/25ce6c2ee91c30b65498bc1d6ea46c4bfde9dcf3/runescape-client/src/main/java/DesktopPlatformInfoProvider.java
  3. My own belief is that while things like third-party clients probably do contribute; detection is massively based on whether your account has similarities to other accounts (including banned accounts) - basic machine learning. Similarities including but not limited to delays and timings, account progression and so on. Reports probably trigger the server side AC system. Maybe large disparity trades do too. Is common information at SRL and has been for years. There was never a dll called jaclib.dll in oldschool runescape. That one only exists in RS3 so they couldn't remove it from oldschool since it never existed there to begin with. NXT actually has hard detection. jaclib.dll still exists in rs3 java client last i checked.
  4. Are you keeping up with the flow of the conversation? I was stating why Alek's point is bad because they don't do that specific type of detection (hooks through SetWindowsHookEx) and Naked asked me for proof. It has nothing to do with other types of detection or other types of input. All types of input are detectable but not being detected (Integrity isn't being tested anywhere). Logitech's driver software isn't a MouClass.sys replacement. It's what you would call a filter driver. Lives at a higher level than MouClass.sys but it is still under Win32K.sys so it is in kernel space. All these methods are easily detectable unless your AC is running in userland. I will state it again; This type of detection doesn't exist anywhere in the game client. They don't test the integrity of mouse/key events anywhere in the oldschool runescape client. You can check for yourself but i can tell you that there's nothing nefarious in any native code in oldschool runescape.
  5. You want me to provide proof of something that isn't there? Here, i'll just teach you how to do you yourself. Write a SetWindowsHookEx hook/detour and place it in a DLL which installs our hook in DLLMain. You can copy and paste any basic 32bit trampoline function. WinAPI functions all come with a standard useless 2 byte hotpatch point (mov edi, edi). This includes SetWindowsHookEx. The hook will notify us if any process (which has our DLL loaded into it's address space) invokes SetWindowsHookEx. Start oldschool runescape in a suspended state. Inject your DLL. Resume oldschool runescape so it is no longer in a suspended state. If the process calls SetWindowsHookEx then it has tried to create a hook. That's how you would detect windows hooks. Extra: You can grab the params which have been passed to SetWindowsHookEx. Including a function pointer and manually navigate to the code in memory (can use any decompiler) if you happen to find that hooks have been installed.
  6. Got me gut laughing. I was in two minds about joining this discussion since I rarely take a front seat to these types of discussions but this one was way too fucking funny to resist. Shit, you can search memory for an array? OMG, you can use a disassembler?? bypassing DRMs??? Teach me how to be like you bro. Imagine belittling someone but being too ignorant or stupid to actually check if they even use the detection method. There is no low level native mouse or keyboard hook in oldschool runescape for the context of detecting injected input. It simply doesn't exist. Anyone with 5% of the experience you so humbly bragged about could easily check that before making a baseless claim on the detection of SendInput and contributing to the shit show here on this thread. Outstanding job pal. Keeping the discussion civil. It doesn't matter if you use SendInput or regular java event dispatching in the context of detecting the validity of input since there's isn't any differing integrity tests on input events anywhere in the client. Bytecode or native. While they're both detectable, neither are being detected. Keynoting that this says nothing about the timings, and delays of those events.
  7. Search12

    HWID ban

    This is stupid and you are misinformed. They clearly state that they take this information in their privacy policy. https://www.jagex.com/terms/privacy. It's not a breach of any law, never mind EU law. Users who don't like this can email the DPO, ask for their details to be deleted, and immediately stop playing Jagex' games. It's not like everyone doesn't accept these privacy / TOS agreements when they register an account /s. Not saying they use HWID, Not saying they don't.
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