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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. I know that none of us work for Jagex. Clearly. Unless Jed is somewhere around here. What are your thoughts on this If you have an OSBot client open along side a vanilla RuneScape Client, do you think Jagex would be able to detect you having an OSBot client open via the main client? Then say you were playing on your main on the Vanilla client with an OSBot client open with proxies etc. Do you guys think they could detect and ban your main that way?
  2. Is there a way to delete the history from this? Every time I go to export a project there is a huge list of crap and I'm not sure how to delete it
  3. I’ll probably just end up using this as a tester account down the road. Thanks for the price check for me guys.
  4. All accounts made West Coast USA. Accounts HAVE NOT completed Tutorial Island Fresh accounts, unique emails, unregistered. Accounts have never been logged on. AW: 70k OSRSGP each or 50k each when bought in bulk (500+) You go first. I am original owner. No set emails. Login details to be provided upon purchase.
  5. I have an account that has 70 range 75 magic and pretty much 1 everything else. Has 20 agility ?
  6. Well, I don’t read much either. ?
  7. oh yeah, I wouldn't know. I don't really play much LOL
  8. Who is running soo many bots that there are 100k people on OSRS right now?
  9. Looks like I’m going to do the F2P quester. Trick will be Shield of Arrav! I expect this project will take a fair amount of time but it’s certainly a project I’m going to enjoy.
  10. Malcolm


    Thought I'd let you guys know.
  11. I've done quite a lot of that and I have a fairly decent understanding of the API.
  12. I've thought about that but premium slayer scripts are not allowed on SDN. If they were allowed I totally would. Obviously I don't have Scripter 2 so I can't even release a premium script but if I was putting that much work into a script that a slayer script would take then I'd definitely want it to be a premium script.
  13. And what is wrong with my sig? ? TBF I'm not a gold farmer.
  14. I am going to take a page out of @Ragnar Lothbrok's book seeing that I am also stuck on what I should create for my next script. For the most part what I have been doing has been pretty simple. I'm not sure if I want to step it up and make something more complex or keep it simple so this poll will have quite a few different options, some simple, some complex. I realize most of these are already options on SDN. Mostly I'm just stuck on thinking of something to write up and would prefer to be working on a script.
  15. Yes I am aware that I do not have a contract with them at the moment. I would just prefer not to do anything that would disqualify myself to be signing that contract with them. Even at that, would it be against the contract to write a private script for a person with another API/client on the soul reason that OSBot does not support RS3 botting? It's not like I would be selling scripts on another site. I'd be selling one private script to one customer using an RS3 based API OH jeez, this is good to know. I am actually very surprised at that
  16. Yeah but from what I’m aware scripters can only script for one site. Even though I am not a scripter yet I’d still like to treat this as if I am because that’s is my end goal here
  17. Currently I am trying to get Scripter rank on these forums so I want to ask if this is alright before I actually go out and do it. I was approached by someone to write a private script for them but it is an RS3 script. From what I am aware of OSbot does not support RS3. So to write this script I would be required to use another botclient/API to write this script Basic question is if it is alright if I do that or if it's something that I shouldn't do or is against OSBot rules
  18. I got cleaned for 2B a while back and rebuilt
  19. I mostly just merchant in RS3, thats why I say the autotyper. It would be super helpful
  20. Tbh I think they should allow auto typers
  21. Very smart. I don’t farm gold but I write scripts and I make sure my main doesn’t come into contact with any of my test accounts. I don’t even do a few trades between multiple accounts that include my main.
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