My Discord is Malcolm#7178, when you go to click on my name you can see it here.
But this # can be changed.
The point of this post is to show people how to get their USER ID, which cannot change.
First of all you need to enable developers mode which you can find by following these steps.
First, you want to click on your Settings.
Once your settings are open you want to go to Appearance.
Once you have this tab open you want to scroll down until you find Developer Mode and you want to turn it on like this.
Now once you have developer mode enabled you should be able to RIGHT CLICK on anybody like this and copy and paste their USER ID so it will appear. This user ID cannot be changed.
Yes, you would still have to add me by entering my name as Malcolm#7178, but this post is really to help avoid imposter scammers.
Safe Trading everybody !