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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Yup that makes sense. I will look into that. Odds are it would do that at Varrock too.
  2. When you first roll @40z Bounce but hes banned @gustoboy You are the winner of this giveaway. Contact me via osbot PM's or Discord! I understand that it is Christmas so you may not respond right away. If I do not hear from you by New Years I will re-roll this as I would enjoy giving away a script here!
  3. Merry Christmas Everyone! Good luck! Last chance to get in right now! Draw happens in 2.5 hours!
  4. Just Pushed V1.30 Changed the way the bot firemakes at the GE. Added in a new Progressive Mode and a Stop Level features New GUI Removed webwalking and replaced it with walking and walking events
  5. Good luck everyone! just under 26 hours until I roll!
  6. bump! Almost there everyone! Good luck to all who are entered
  7. I have pushed V1.21 to fix the above issue as well as some minor changes in the GUI.
  8. I am assuming that you are using the Varrock Location. I will take a look at it and try and see what is going on. Is it doing this with a full inventory of logs or not? Have you noticed exactly how it is getting into trying to interact with the deposit box? When interacting with the bank I use what the API has given me so it makes me believe it's an API bug but I will look into it regardless in case I am wrong. EDIT: I think I found the problem. When going to the bank it tries to walk to the closest point in the bank and if you are stuck outside that closest point of the bank is the deposit box so it's actually trying to walk to the deposit box. I have updated this and I am testing my fix to see if that is indeed the issue and will be pushing it shortly if this works.
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