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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Takes some time if people want hundreds of them doesn’t it? ?
  2. I didn't get my car loan through these people and have no idea why they keep trying to contact me. I don't know who they are or how they got my info so this was a good way to get them to leave me alone.
  3. Yup, this is exactly it. I have a couple out there that are open source that I had no intention to have on SDN but I don’t know the policy about releasing a script that I want to put on SDN. To me it wouldn’t seem very productive for osbot to release a script on SDN that anybody could already have. Sorry for the confusion, I should have disclosed it.
  4. LOL OK. Find me another forum to put it on I guess. I found that quite rude. Move on.
  5. Not quite script development if the script is no longer in development. nor is it a project. This sub-form is unofficial scripts & applications. Technically this is ready for an application
  6. No, I don't. First step of getting a script on SDN is getting your GIT account for OSBOT. Then through GIT you submit your script. If I'm releasing open source scripts and scripts where anybody could have the .jar file then it doesn't seem very productive for osbot to be releasing these scripts on SDN because anybody could already have the script.
  7. when it goes on to SDN this becomes the thread for it??????????
  8. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I guess not, but it is because it's done ?
  9. I haven’t posted any jar files because I want this to be on SDN and I don’t know the policy about me posting jar files for scripts I want on SDN
  10. Tbh it goes thorough the dialog and starts the quest. Just so he leaves you alone. Couldn’t think of another fix
  11. I highly doubt they can tell.
  12. You’re right. It certainly would be illegal and I believe they would disclose it if they were doing that. On the other hand, lots of companies do illegal shit to benefit themselves. Who knows, maybe if Jagex thought they could get away with it they wouldn’t disclose it and they’d have a huge advantage. I don’t believe that’s something that would ever happen, I don’t think they can tell. This is basically a what if sort of discussion. Obviously they aren’t currently doing any of that.
  13. I believe exactly this. I don't think they can tell exactly what 3rd party client you are using and I don't think they can detect a 3rd party client via their vanilla client. I do think it would be possible for Jagex to implement something like that and I also think like mentioned above that it would be a huge breach of privacy if Jagex implemented it without informing their community about it. I don't think anything is in place that does this though.
  14. Well there isn't evidence to prove either way. I personally don't think they can tell but I just like to stir the pot a bit
  15. I'm certainly inclined to agree with you. It's just interesting to see what some people think about this sort of conspiracy theory.
  16. How did people find out? lol
  17. WOW I never knew that about ESEA! LOL For Valve, yes, VAC blows. I have been cheating on an account that is LE for almost 6 months and have not been banned I mean the Scripter blue ?
  18. In games like CSGO, ESEA in particular. They disclose it but they say when you play on their servers that they basically have access to everything you're doing on your PC and thats how they know you're cheating. I would assume it to be a big breach of privacy also. It's possible that they disclose it somewhere and that they do it or it's possible that they don't disclose it and still do it and its possible that they can't tell whats open on your pc. Of course none of us know. I'm more asking on inputs and what people think about it
  19. I know that none of us work for Jagex. Clearly. Unless Jed is somewhere around here. What are your thoughts on this If you have an OSBot client open along side a vanilla RuneScape Client, do you think Jagex would be able to detect you having an OSBot client open via the main client? Then say you were playing on your main on the Vanilla client with an OSBot client open with proxies etc. Do you guys think they could detect and ban your main that way?
  20. Is there a way to delete the history from this? Every time I go to export a project there is a huge list of crap and I'm not sure how to delete it
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