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Everything posted by Malcolm

  1. Glad to hear you aren't having any problems with it! This script uses the webWalker in the OSBot API so it shouldn't be clicking in the same spots every time it walks to/from the bank. It may be similar though like you suggested.
  2. Should be! Let me know if you have any issues.
  3. Unless it was recently changed I'm pretty sure Scripter 1 has all VIP privileges. >.>
  4. Can't help but point this one out. Scripter > VIP. My name is purple and it should be blue >.> Can we get a fix for that one?
  5. Request Template: What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) What is your budget? NOTE: I will write the script as you have requested it by using the template. I will add each feature that you want included. If you forget a feature or you want something else added it will be at an extra cost.
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