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Trade With Caution
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About Skizow

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    Rotterdam, Netherlands
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  1. Its started from some one hacking my osbot account with a diffrent email and a diffrent password. Which means I must have gotten bruteforced. There is no others option.
  2. Im willing to give him the money he lost. I checked my email and It hasnt been hacked. I forgot the mail I used for the skype account. That leaves it on 1 option and that must be that my account got bruteforced on OSBot. Which would mean that OSBot their security is fucked up. Anyway. 19*1.25$= 23.75$. Im willing to pay that in PayPal.
  3. XD. Yeah I cant close it. A mod must close it.
  4. That is something I understand and that why the admins and mods will decide what is going to happen. Anyway Ill close this topic and we will continue in Disputes.
  5. I understand that but the reason why im requesting the IP check is that they could maybe link the IP with some one alse on OSBot. Since im thinking that someone from osbot hacked me.
  6. Im not trying to be harsh or something but do you even have proof you traded it?
  7. When I tried to reply I got logged out
  8. I know it seems like that.. But this is the reason why I came online:
  9. My account is probably 5 times worth more than the 100M. Why should I risk that? I saw your messages coming in on skype on my phone when I tried to reply I got logged out I didnt know what you were talking about. I understand why you would doubt that, I would have thought the same.
  10. Im sorry but last night my account got hacked both Skype and OSBot..... Admins can confirm if they can see ip changes...
  11. I will.. Even my osbot account was hacked.. I just recoverd it.. some one posted things im looking what he did
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