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  1. Would you take splashed, magic only accounts? If no then define pls, just a commenting passenger have a Nice day
  2. I personally break for 50% and i don 't know if that is normal. Botting outside UK office hours also seems to make a big difference (not within 09:00 - 17:00, their time, obviously) i can imagine if you're just starting you would want your first few accounts to last a little to see how well your scripts are providing in terms of rates per hour. Zero requirement methods are most popular since you can grab any account and hit run. You could however maybe do the opposite of predictable and produce a chain of accounts with minimum requirements using combat scripts, get creative
  3. But ofcourse! this is right up his alley, thanks. Didn't think about that but im exploring RPA myself for now
  4. Wow, on uipath you can get a free copy and it has a record function. you basically hit record, do the shit, and save it into a file. example: Run bots. Boom that's file 1. [Uipath uses paintscripting, which is perfect for this] you can use schedual planner from Microsoft itself to execute file 1 on set time, say after UK office time. then 3 hours later you have schedual planner hit file 2. file 2 is going to intersect your bots and have them mule and after that has happened sequence the restartup from file 1. you now have your farm running and muled after the first 3 hours. You could have another server somewhere else and +15 minutes run file 3 there to mule the muled goods. Sequence all the way until you have a sequence solid for a single day. Now you just need to program a special path for the weekends when you suicide bot.
  5. Ok this is helpful straight off the bat. I've dived into India computer support youtube to research what is uipath ? (its always Indians helping us out with tech questions) Immediately the first video explains what is RPA What is RPA? -Robotic [the mimicking of human activity] -Process [creating a sequence of activities] -Automation [having that sequence run without human intervention] There are three softwares out there that help in construction of an RPA: -Uipath -Blue Prism -Automation Anywhere people should know about this
  6. everyone would want to go osbot if it had that feature
  7. as a matter of fact this should be a vip+ feature imo
  8. Another theory states that accounts produced on the same source are also chainbannable, when you move to a different proxy afterwards may not safe your skin
  9. Perhaps if you, someone, designs this software, you are able to lower the price and sell several copies. Including a unique key which you whitelist on some server to maintain ownership/prevent piracy. The software is a must have. Provide for everyone here (and other clients) Sell em for 200$ I would buy Is there no such software?
  10. Maybe take banter to dm, how-ev-er Are you the guy im looking for?
  11. Wouldnt it be nice when you have a set of scripts with mule support and a muling script and to have that run independant of interaction on some vpsses that you are hiring, just to check your mules to see if the farms are still running on the predicted rate? If there is software out there that can startup the client, add desired bots, run and stop scripts and switch scripts. Is there anyone who has this type of swag?
  12. Wouldnt it be nice when you have a set of scripts with mule support and a muling script and to have that run independant of interaction on some vpsses that you are hiring, just to check your mules to see if the farms are still running on the predicted rate? If there is software out there that can startup the client, add desired bots, run and stop scripts and switch scripts. Is there anyone who has this type of swag?
  13. Wow, for the record, enabling low cpu mode and disable client rendering turned the client running two bots from 58%-65% cpu down to 9,8%-14%! Thanks for the tip! that's turning my laptops capacity from 2-3 bots into 8-12 bots. Looks good! 3.99$ per month for a server with two cores (I heard somewhere that botters look for atleast 2 cores in a vps)
  14. I'm looking for a vps that does well and is cheap. anyone with experience who tried several providers? 20$ is too much for 2 bots. guides are welcome too
  15. big bow, world hopping works again, thank you
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