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Posts posted by Zummy

  1. Hey guys I have a dedicated server (Windows 2016 OS) with an IP range of /29. Is it possible to create a socks subnet for connecting to osbot clients? I would like all clients running on that dedicated server to connect to that subnet. If so where do I start? Thanks.

  2. Thanks for all the replies guys! If I understand this correctly, as long as the sitekey is present in the page source, recaptcha is loaded?

    9 hours ago, Impensus said:

    Also just a side note, I’d recommend ditching selenium and running the script over post/get requests instead as it will be far more lightweight.

    I did that in the beginning until they changed to invisible captcha's. I don't know much about HTTP requests and calling functions while doing so (onSubmit()), so I changed it all to Selenium.

  3. 1 minute ago, Naked said:


    Did you verify the captcha is loading?

    I'm also using anticaptcha, what's your fail-rate?

    No I don't verify if it has been loaded, can I check for certain HTML elements to verify if it's loaded?

    I don't think it's proxy related, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't complete the captcha with the same proxy.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Naked said:

    1) Make sure your proxies aren't blocking the recaptcha from loading (Inspect and look at errors)

    2) Use this to inject the captcha response:

    3) make sure you're submitting the form and not clicking it

    Thanks for the reply!

    I'm using the same technique:

    RemoteWebDriver r = (RemoteWebDriver) driver;
    String setResponseToken = "document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response').innerHTML='" + CAPTCHA + "'";

    What anti captcha service do you use?

  5. Hey guys, I use Selenium to recover and create accounts but I have a lot of fails where the captcha is solved but upon continuing to the next page, the page just refreshes.

    Does anyone know what happens here or has any experience in completing this process by the same means? Thanks!

  6. Hey guys I was wondering if it is possible to run a script from it's class file instead of having to compile to jar.

    At the moment I can't replace a jar when an instance of osbot is running, I think this is because all my scripts have the same class dependencies (my own api).

    It's also causing these errors:


  7. Thanks for the replies guys, setting heap wasn't such a bad idea after all. Felt like Java was deciding on its own how much RAM it wanted to use.

    How should I decide what a safe number is to cap it at? I guess it also somewhat depends on how complex the script is?

  8. Hey guys, I bought a server to run some client but I'm having issue's with ram usage. The scripts use over 3GB each, while the same script on my laptop runs on ~700mb.

    I tried turning off the sounds but that didn't work. I'm running on Windows 2016 Standard with 2x 2.1Ghz CPU and more than enough DDR4 RAM. Any suggestions are appreciated!

    Oh and I'd rather not limit the heap since that could cause the client to freeze.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Explv said:

    Now when you go to create an artifact, you will see each module in the available elements section. Just select which one you want for this .jar

    Thanks! Absolute legend! Just one more question ? I have a package containing my custom api, how can I set it up so all modules use that same package?

  10. 2 hours ago, BottedUnited89 said:

    Open osrs client, sign into your account. Turn it to fixed mode, log out of your account and then EXIT the osrs client, now restart osrs client and osbot should work. (You must also restart OSBot once you have switched osrs to fixed mode.)

    I know, that's exactly what I have been doing. But sometimes the change in settings doesn't get remembered or something.

  11. Hey guys, I've been having problems since they forced new accounts into resizable mode. Even after changing to fixed mode and restarting the client, it sometimes still is in resizable mode.

    I don't know if this is an issue of settings not being cached correctly or if it has something to do with the osbot client, but I would appreciate it if someone could shine some light on the subject.


  12. 1 hour ago, Khaleesi said:

    Well the annoying part of the roofs is that I can't see if they are on or off, to check that I would have to open the actual menu where te buttong is to disable or remove roofs

    Is this not correct API?

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