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  1. Newcomer to OSBot but I mostly enjoy tinkering with the ban system rather than running a super efficient bot right now, Here's a few of my findings (while running other bots): 1. There's a definite correlation of botting efficiency to ban rate. I've ran another bot (not sure if saying names is allowed so I'll skip) with two WC scripts. One randomly bugged out at around 5-8 inventories of wood and I had to relog/rerun the script. Botted for over 3 days consistently (as long as I could, so about 8-10h), no ban. Ran another script which was nearly 100% efficient (no bugging out, constantly clicking trees correctly etc) - banned in ~8h. So there are some possible antiban measures. I doubt XP checking has anything to do it with it, rather pauses or missing the clicks is closer to the truth probably. Of course, it was all on the same account so the data is muddled but it seems reasonable. 2. It seems reasonable to assume that new accounts are targeted more often. 3. Switching tasks helps. One, it's clearly more human - how many of us could realistically cut the same trees, go to the same bank and come back for over 8h? I doubt many of us have that resilience to keep trudging through. Switching to fishing from WC to mining helped delay bans on some bots. 4. It seems to me that camera movements are client-sided? I highly doubt Jagex would receive info on camera positions from the client. Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, just dedicating needless resources on Jagex servers. 5. Human clicks as proposed by other bots seem to not decrease ban frequency. I would guess that an antiban system maps movement in a general area rather than concrete positions. 6. Task complexity is related to ban avoidance. Some people have mentioned botting Zulrah successfully which is quite a bit more complex than WC'ing Oaks for hours on end. Again this would follow from 5 as the mapped general area would be considerably larger. 7. Other bot forums say that botting Tutorial Island increases ban frequencies. Not sure what to make of it. Good luck, Going to keep tinkering with the systems. Not sure how effective OSBot will be.
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