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  1. This looks super promising. Thanks so much for the tip. So I can be on my normal network for other things, but a proxy on runelite? Hell yeah. Have any experience with this product, or anything else you can tell me? I'm super pumped to try this out. If this is a joke I don't get it lol. In my experience, yes. OSBot and other similar clients are great and I recommend them, and I have bought and used many scripts, but the banrates using these clients is incredibly high compared to what I do. Using my methods, for example, I suicide botted mining iron in the mining guild for 1 month straight, to get on the 30 day EHP records on crystal math labs. I mined and banked iron 20 hours a day for 30 days straight, I was reported dozens of times (people would tell me they reported me and accused me of botting) and I never got banned. That account eventually got banned making gold bracelets unfortunately, but I was rank #42 all time monthly mining xp record. And like my account that has over 60 million exp in a skill right now, I've never had luck achieving this sort of thing on the traditional botting clients. I only use things like OSBot to suicide an account that I expect to get banned. Never on an established account that you don't want to lose.
  2. Go ahead and skip to the last two paragraphs if you are lazy The main way I bot these days is to write my own color scripts and use runelite, rather than traditional botting software. I have found the banrate using my method is EXCEEDINGLY low. The only bans I've ever gotten using this method is doing agility and crafting gold jewelry in edgeville, while running the script 18 hours a day for weeks at a time. Unfortunately, I got cocky on one of my mains and received a temp ban doing agility, after running it for 20 hours or so over the course of 2 or 3 days. I cannot risk this account further and will stop botting on it. However, I have another account that I don't play except to bot (bankstanding). I have been running this script for a few months on this account and I have over 62 mil exp in this skill, and have easily made 350 mil just from this one account. However, the account is 2k+ total and I do not want to needlessly risk this account if I don't have to. I am aware that when you receive a ban, even a temp ban, on one account, you should stop botting on your other accounts because at least for awhile, they are watching your IP closely. In the past when I was still learning and using risky methods, after a ban, my other accounts got quickly banned when I continued to bot. Now that they are likely watching my IP, using a proxy has two advantages. 1) I'll be on a different IP that isn't on their watchlist. 2) If you do catch a ban, you can recover the account because they will believe you got hacked, and the hacker was the one botting. I've recovered multiple accounts in the past simply by playing them on a different IP than the one where the account was created, and I've always been able to get the ban reversed. However I am not very knowledgable about VPNs and proxies. I know you can buy one and OSBot has an option to just use a proxy to connect to runescape. But if I am just botting on Runelite using a private script, what is the best method to mask my IP on Runelite? Do I buy a VPN service, will that work? If so, which VPN service should I use? I need to run it on two computers simultaneously. If anyone has any experience with this, I will very much appreciate your help, and I'm willing to throw down a bit of cash to put my mind at ease and get off my current IP address that is probably on a watch list. I do not want to catch a ban on this account, I'd like to achieve a 200m exp skill completely botted, I'm already 1/3 of the way there. Along with maxed house, 2k total, 4 pets. Looking to sell the account too at some point.
  3. It seems as though this might have been a legitimate misunderstanding. Me, Browse, and Skillz talked extensively and Skillz was very apologetic about the mix up and was working to find a solution. Browse was refunded for the original purchase, + gp for xp gained. I am ending up with the old acct which apparently has not been recovered in almost a year. I am not going to store wealth on it, but I am happy with this outcome because I believe it likely won't get recovered again. The explanation is that Nintendo and Skillz are not actually the same person, Nintendo scammed me and others and was banned from osbot. Skillz then recovered the account from nintendo because he knew nintendo was a scammer/banned and the account wasn't rightfully his. He apparently tried to find the owner but could not, and he waited close to a year for me to come forward and ask for the account which I never did. After so long, and selling so many accounts, he had mixed up the accounts and didn't records. I am feeling alright with this arrangement because I know if anything happens to the account from this point onward it would look bad for skillz as he has a good reputation here and on other sites, and cant risk that. I'm totally willing to accept this as a misunderstanding, and I do believe him and Nintendo are not the same person. With me, Browse, and Skillz all happy with this result and satisfied, I think it would be alright to remove/resolve this dispute.
  4. UPDATE: This seems to have been something of a misunderstanding. Nintendo and Skillz are not likely to be the same person, he was very apologetic and his explanation makes sense. Refunds have been made to me and Browse and I am confident/happy to report this as a simple misunderstanding/mistake. I'm happy to close this dispute. I made an additional reply going more in depth as to the resolution/explanation, I just need a mod to approve that post and close the dispute. Disputed Member: s k ii lz z / NintendoSwitch Original Thread: Explanation: This one is a doozy. I bought an account from NintendoSwitch. He claimed to not be OO, he said the OO was skillz. I played on the account for about a year, grinding it up to over 2k total. Then it gets recovered (apparently by Nintendo). I contact Skillz to help me re-recover the account, which he does. He gets the account back and then gives it back to me. I sit on it for awhile and it gets recovered again. I give up on the account and let the scammer (who I believe is Nintendo) keep the account. I lost a 2k total account, the 100 mil I used to buy the account, plus 380 mil bank. A year goes by...I keep the account on my friends list hoping to one day see it online, because I knew that one day the scammer will sell my account to a new unsuspecting person. Today was that day. I see my old account log on, and I message him to warn him that he is playing on my old account and whoever sold it to him is a scammer. (New buyer OSBot user is Browse and he can confirm this). I talk with Browse and learn that he bought the account from skillz, the original owner. The guy who was trying to help me recover the account from "NintendoSwitch." The only explanation I can see is that he and nintendo are the same person or they were working together. My account got recovered by Nintendo, but then a year later Skillz is the one who sold it to Browse. He never tried to give it back to me. The only other explanation is that Skillz decided to recover the account from Nintendo, and instead of giving it back to me, decided to sell it. If this is the case, a good resolution would be to refund Browse and return the account to me, promising to not recover it because he would risk getting banned. If refunds are made and the acct is back, I will hold no ill will toward skillz and if he were to make good on this I would consider it even, and wouldn't push for a ban. To summarize, My account was recovered by Nintendo, Skillz was OO, but somehow skillz is in possession of it a year later and sold it to Browse. Browse now will not play on it because it has been recovered multiple times and the risk is too high, so he deserves a refund of 150 mil. I would like the account back to use as an alt, on the condition there will be a ban if it ever gets recovered again. Evidence: Browse and I both confirmed the email for the account is [Acc info]. I confirmed with him the various pets on the account, etc. [hidden] Confirming how i bought it from Nintendo, and skillz affirmed he was OO. Me talking to the hacker in game while hes on my account, trying to get into my bank (he was ultimately successful) [hidden] Nintendo selling me account on discord in 2018 I have more proof like me posting on reddit for help when it got hacked, but probably not needed to link here. I have additional chat logs if necessary of skillz helping me to recover the account to try to give it back to me. Like I said, I'm willing to chalk this up to a big misunderstanding and say everything's all good if I just get the account back with a promise that there will be a ban if it's ever recovered again, and browse gets a refund. I have been discussing this on discord with Panda and Pain and Browse, and they can all back me up on these facts.
  5. just added you on disc, got some important business to discuss please

  6. Like I said, I don't claim to have developed some novel, revolutionary method. In fact, I got my inspiration from someone on youtube, but I've taken it a lot farther than him. Most of my methods are similar to methods that were popularized 10 years ago and are pretty outdated today. But the fact is that Jagex simply doesn't really look for these methods anymore. They are more focused on bot farms that use the main botting clients. I'm not surprised that other people are using the same methods I use. But take, for example, my barbarian fishing script. It uses the vanilla client. It checks every 10 seconds to see if you are still fishing. If you are still fishing, it waits another 10 seconds. If you are not fishing, it stabilizes the camera angle and searches for a new fishing spot. It checks to see if your inventory is full. If it isn't it will click the new fishing spot. If it is, it will shift-drop the 27 fish and then click the new fishing spot, and repeat ad-infinitum. I doubt that there are many other people using macro programs and shitty mouse recorders to write multi-dimensional scripts like that, but I am sure there are a few people out there. Can you point me in the direction of this website you're talking about though? I really want to see it. If you don't want to post it, pm me. I'll pm you right now, just respond with the link please.
  7. I don't disagree with you except to say that I am hesitant to believe Jagex is on the forefront of machine learning. If I were a betting man, I'd say their cheat specialists are swamped and barely stay afloat processing reports and ban appeals. I too remember when color based bots were the norm. And that they are quite dated. Also, I'm not really sure why they died out. I do know Jagex sometimes changes colors slightly to fuck with bots, so that's one argument against them. Fortunately I rarely use hex #s to find pixels. because I'm afforded the ability to take a snapshot of an image, set a co efficiency factor (identical->similar) and if (image found) / then move (x,y) etc. I'm able to avoid using absolute coordinates and colors a lot this way. I don't mean these are impervious to bans. Only that after botting roughly 42 million exp over 3 accounts on two computers in the last 4 weeks, I think this method can beat the automatic bot detection that triggers when you are reported. If my bots were manually reviewed, they could potentially be banned. I'll be sure to check out the hero of time and see if I can learn from Link's experience.
  8. Yeah it's pretty much the consensus that free scripts are riskier for this reason, and private scripts are the safest. But I am hesitant to believe that Jagex's two anti-cheat specialists really use their time to collect and analyze huge swaths of data to develop new ways to catch people quicker. I think the vast majority of their time is spent checking reports and looking into ban appeals and trying to stay afloat. It's my hunch that private scripts are only the safest because a free and widely used script means the area will be heavily botted, attracting more attention, making it a riskier thing. But I could be talking out of my ass on this one.
  9. I agree with everything you're saying and I think I gave the false impression of being so foolhardy to think what I'm doing is 100% ban proof. Again, I know I didn't stumble on some novel. amazing method, and that in reality, I'm using methods that, although the software is modern, the methods of using color hex codes and absolute coordinates are really, really old. I remember those back in the day. My software has all that old stuff, with some nice, more modern things like the ability to take a snapshot, and use if/then commands to scan an area of the screen for something that looks similar to the snapshot. That's how the script finds the overload in the inventory during nmz, for example. I don't mean to say these scripts, or any scripts, are completely ban proof. But as far as I can tell, by suiciding 2 accounts and using bots on my main, to the point of actively trying to get people to report me, I think it beats the automatic detection system. I think if my accounts were to be manually reviewed, it is likely they could be banned. But as far as I can tell, considering the vast number of people who have told me they're reporting me, and probably a good number of people who reported me without telling me, I really do think that this beats the automated system. Jagex has 2 staff dedicated to anti-cheating as far as I can tell. And god knows how many reports are processed every day. The vast majority are just run through their automatic system, and after my testing, I'm willing to believe that in its current state, it is beatable. So basically, I do not claim that I've successfully emulated human behavior. Just that, Jagex is too busy to really look into it manually. If you can beat the automatic system, you're 99% safe in my opinion. Your friend using tensorflow was using a vanilla client, I assume. Without any injection or giving any weird server-side inputs that would flag something?
  10. ? Are you suggesting that I'm a roleplaying conspiracy theorist? Lol. By the way, check the edit on my last reply. People like you do great work, and using this software, I could never write a script to do say, fight caves. Barrows might be possible but would be a huge challenge. I know you think I might be bullshitting you, or that maybe I got just got lucky by not getting banned, but I've also been using these scripts on my main, and have gotten 99 magic, 95 crafting, 90 fletching, etc. And I will continue to suicide alts just to prove that its nearly impossible to catch a ban doing this. I remember coming across a thread awhile back on this forum from a guy who used a simplistic auto clicker to get 200m thieving xp on ardy knights while his other acct splashed. He even got reported directly to jmods on twitter and he still never got a ban. It definitely supported my theory that botting with the vanilla clients are exponentially more safe. Anyway, you're definitely someone with experience in this industry. I'd happily take any advice if you have any.
  11. Thanks for your interest. Hopefully I can get something off the ground, because although I have been doing this for a few months just for my own use, I have been getting the feeling that not trying to capitalize on this would be a waste. Especially with the influx of mobile users, this is a very healthy game, and there is money to be made here. The funny thing is that I by no means consider myself a programmer, although I know html/css to a degree, I have never developed software, and when I look at scripts on this site I think "Yeah I can't do that." My system is simplistic compared to developing within the osbot api. If I can do this, any nerdy 90's kid can do this. Editing to add second paragraph: And that makes me want to add a point. I don't claim my scripts are better than the ones on the market. In fact, they're probably considerably worse than most of these official osbot scripts. However, they get the job done. And they are extremely safe in comparison. I'll never be able to write a script for Zulrah, for example. But I can still do many things. I don't want to step on anyone's toes. You all are doing great work. But I know for a fact that Jagex has the ability to detect bot clients, so if you want to bot a more simple activity that can be done using a normal client, you should opt for the normal client.
  12. I play rs recreationally, and was using osbot on and off when I first started. Ended up getting a couple bans and decided to give up botting on any account I'm not willing to lose. However, I was drawn back in and decided to write scripts (they're actually macros, but much more complex than a mouse recorder) that utilize the regular vanilla client/osb/runelite. Throughout my testing, I've come to the conclusion that in the vast majority of cases, it is not the fault of the script that gets you banned, it's simply because Jagex can detect bot clients/injection. I suicided 99 mining on an alt account over the last two weeks, and my script broke many times while I was perfecting it, sending my character walking in circles and scanning the screen for images/pixels/coordinates that weren't there. I was reported probably 50 times, and people let me know. I was running the script 12-18 hours a day on some days, and yet I did not get even a temp ban. To risk making a bold statement, I don't claim to be the first to have used this method, but I do believe I have developed scripts that completely, 100% beat jagex's bot detection system. I would like to monetize/sell scripts or services, or perhaps learn how to run virtual machines so I can run multiple accounts per computer. Is there a way to use proxies while using a vanilla client? Anyway, it's not so simple to sell my scripts because the framework/language my scripts are developed in use absolute screen coordinates to click on certain things in many cases. In other cases, it searches for an image or a pixel to then click on, but it does not look like a mouse recorder on Jagex's end because I randomized delays and coordinates by x number of pixels. Because of this, people using different resolution screens would have to edit every coordinate to make the scripts functional. This is the main reason on why I am asking for help on how to make money from my scripts. If anyone has any ideas, or perhaps wants to form a partnership, I am open to that and I appreciate any advice. So far these are the functional scripts I have written: Barbarian Fishing (Flawless) NMZ (Extremely good, keeps hp at 1, auto overloads, can use any combat style) Mining/Banking Iron Ore (Very good script, but occasionally a random event can break it). I mined 400k iron ore, made 70 mil suiciding one acct with this script to 99. Construction: Making Oak Larders (Good script, breaks occasionally but that's okay because you're in your own house) Magic scripts: Spin Flax, Superglass Make, Alch, Alch/Tele, Stun/Alch, etc were all very easy to make. Any bankstanding script can be made in 20 minutes with my method. Cleaning Herbs/Unf Potions/Finished Potions Fletching Longbows/Adding bowstrings Crafting any type of jewelry (currently suiciding an account, making gold bracelets to 99. At 80 right now) Smithing Dart Tips Thieving Fruit Stand Cooking Wines, Rogues Den Scripts that need work (break too much): Blast Furnace and Runecrafting Mud Runes tl;dr I'm writing macro scripts, accumulating a large library and need advice on how to make real money. So far, I'm just farming gold and leveling accounts I plan on selling. But that's chump change compared to selling the scripts themselves. I'm also open on suggestions for which scripts I should make next! Thanks for reading. Edited for grammar/wording.
  13. replying to remind me to download this later. why isnt this in the ofificial scripts?
  14. cant wait for the zeah scripts
  15. Just need the quest done. I have all the prereqs. 70 prayer, 100+ combat. Just lazy. Please put the rate in your reply
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