I've been seeing this more so recently than before and it's honestly annoying. Anyone posts a thread and everyone replies saying that they can MM. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I'm pretty sure there was a rule against MM advertising in the past. If not, then it was on another forum that desperately needs to be applied to here. More people reply to a given thread requesting to MM than actual buyers/sellers.
Secondly, it's against the rules for a MM to leave FB after a trade stating that they were the MM for the trade. Other sites allow this but Osbot doesn't and I can understand the reasoning behind it so i'm ok with it. However, there are a couple of MMs that either don't know about this rule or don't care and leave FB regardless. This needs to be addressed as it's currently considered FB farming.
Lastly, I find it pretty crazy that there are stricter requirements to get a verified service or verified transactor than it is to get a verified middleman rank. This needs to be changed as a MM should be one of the most trusted users on the site. You need to know that your MM has proven himself to be knowledgeable and trustworthy. It's sad that it's the easiest of the three ranks to get.
I think all of the above are fair and need to be addressed. The MMs who left FB should be deleted as that's FB that should not have been left to begin with. Any MM who is that ignorant of the rules should be reevaluated also.
Just my two cents.
Edit: @ez11 has made a valid point. I think I suggested this in the past and it was killed real quick and some people said that I only wanted this because I am the only one who would be a mm but that's irrelevant.
Due to how easy it is to get fb from essentially farming fb and possibly even getting fake fb, there needs to be a system in place to monitor MM and their fb. Much like services, all MM requests must be placed on their thread with documentation first. To be a verified MM, you would have to post all of your MM vouches on a thread - it's hectic currently as there's too many to count going through fb page after page. Something along those lines.
I believe you should get fb for doing a free MM, but it needs to be above a certain $$ value and that needs to be proven. Anyone who receives fb and doesn't/can't prove the trade value should have their fb removed and be infracted for fb fraud.