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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I think if it's over a certain amount then you should be able to receive FB but for small MM's that you shouldn't be able to. People will try finding a way to try abusing it regardless.
  2. Thats when you go about your business and check your btc every 10-15 minutes instead of waiting 2 hours.
  3. It's sad that you think that 'MM for free is to get FB'.
  4. I'm not fake like other people. I'm using an actual bank card.
  5. Buying U.S. gift cards! Selling OSBot Vouchers! Selling OSBuddy Pro! ---------- Within the rules. If you want something online that requires a bank card but don't have one, I'll buy it for you for some gp. If interested, Skype me. Not selling for below retail value. Send me a link to what you want and we'll work out a price. Skype - live:roomscape Discord - PM me.
  6. You do hand services also or only bot? I asked about what you can do service wise, not how your customer service skills are, lol.
  7. The community actually creates scamquitters, whether you want to accept it or not. I do get your point, though. What do you think we should do about that? That's a FB rule in general and not specifically pertaining to MM except for if you want to change how they're eligible to receive FB.
  8. Free services normally don't hold so,etching of values. But if you're saying there should be stricter requirements to become a MM then i'm all for it. I do believe MM is supposed to be trusted and therefore need to have strict rules and guidelines, even more so than services and gold sellers.
  9. I mean, if you haven't been warned about it recently, then yeah. If you have then you kind of deserve it. Either way, they're mods man. They do what they want lmao.
  10. Depends on whatever the MM charges. Different ones charge different amounts while others are completely free. I'm not angry. I don't know why you would think i'm angry either, but that's your opinion to have. Also, it's against the rules. Doesn't matter if i'm angry or not. That's FB fraud.
  11. Because they don't know what a middleman is, right? I'm sure the majority of people on this forum doesn't know what a MM is as it's a foreign concept that's new to these forums. Alao, I didn't ask for a reason as to why they did that. I figured that out all by myself.
  12. Then this is not a suggestion. If you're posting ere that means there's something either wrong with the way the forum operates or a way that you can make it safer/increase efficiency. You also need to explain how you expect everyone to go about said changes. Just making a thread stating problems is not a suggestion, it's just a statement.
  14. Not sure if you're trolling or just trying to act stupid.
  15. I was just double checking the spoiler code. :[
  16. Requirements: Application: Adding my skype solely to message me about this will just have me ignore you. I'm active so please don't be that annoying kid and just be patient There is a one time fee and I won't require you to pay anything extra aside from 10% of the money you make from services. You must have the customer fill out a form on the thread - if they add your Skype or PM you or talk to you in any other matter, you must have them fill out an application on the thread. If I find that you are doing services and don't have the customer fill out a form, I will assume that you're trying to bypass paying the 10% fee and you will be kicked from the service and your entry fee will be non refundable. If I have reason to believe that you have scammed a user for any amount, I will look into the matter and determine whether or not you should be kicked from the service. If you scam a worker, you are automatically kicked and your deposit is non refundable (it will be used to compensate the victim. Any extra will remain in my possession.
  17. You're stating a problem but not a real solution in the OP. Mid ony verified Servicemen can hire workers then that would leave about a dozen (i'm being generous) users who are able to hire workers. That's pretty counter productive and everyone else would have to be subjective to making their own service or being raped by whatever the verified users require. Your second statement about having the mods oversee the transactions are kind of bad. The mods shouldn't be involved in transactions that closely unless something is wrong to the point where something needs to be done or someone banned. The mod part is overkill as mods aren't overly active (not a bad thing) and so we'd have to wait for mods to be available to work things out. Also, if a specific mod is the main point of contact, what's to stop them from saying they want to hold the GP and scamming people? give us some more reasons and resolutions.
  18. At least i'm not crazy. I know I read the rules so I know I definitely read it somewhere.
  19. I've been seeing this more so recently than before and it's honestly annoying. Anyone posts a thread and everyone replies saying that they can MM. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I'm pretty sure there was a rule against MM advertising in the past. If not, then it was on another forum that desperately needs to be applied to here. More people reply to a given thread requesting to MM than actual buyers/sellers. Secondly, it's against the rules for a MM to leave FB after a trade stating that they were the MM for the trade. Other sites allow this but Osbot doesn't and I can understand the reasoning behind it so i'm ok with it. However, there are a couple of MMs that either don't know about this rule or don't care and leave FB regardless. This needs to be addressed as it's currently considered FB farming. Lastly, I find it pretty crazy that there are stricter requirements to get a verified service or verified transactor than it is to get a verified middleman rank. This needs to be changed as a MM should be one of the most trusted users on the site. You need to know that your MM has proven himself to be knowledgeable and trustworthy. It's sad that it's the easiest of the three ranks to get. I think all of the above are fair and need to be addressed. The MMs who left FB should be deleted as that's FB that should not have been left to begin with. Any MM who is that ignorant of the rules should be reevaluated also. Just my two cents. ---------- Edit: @ez11 has made a valid point. I think I suggested this in the past and it was killed real quick and some people said that I only wanted this because I am the only one who would be a mm but that's irrelevant. Due to how easy it is to get fb from essentially farming fb and possibly even getting fake fb, there needs to be a system in place to monitor MM and their fb. Much like services, all MM requests must be placed on their thread with documentation first. To be a verified MM, you would have to post all of your MM vouches on a thread - it's hectic currently as there's too many to count going through fb page after page. Something along those lines. I believe you should get fb for doing a free MM, but it needs to be above a certain $$ value and that needs to be proven. Anyone who receives fb and doesn't/can't prove the trade value should have their fb removed and be infracted for fb fraud.
  20. It used to be against the rules, unless i'm just thinking of another forum which I doubt. But who knows. 

  21. Orange, huh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      I just saw that. I don't pay attention to the political part of OSBot. 

    3. Saiyan



    4. RoomScape


      Rip the dream. 

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