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  1. kazeros


    Please stop that, stop going out with friends! before u know it u won't even have time to bot anymore!
  2. Yea sold out so fast, lost of people waiting with several computers trying to get in the second you can buy a ticket but only half of them can get tickets and its sold out in the 1st few seconds. I got lucky to get 1. You could sell your tickets for 1000€ easy but this year its not that easy anymore to sell your ticket to someone else.
  3. I think i'll buy her dinner and a movie or something. Thanks
  4. U need to be 18 not 21 to enter the festival.
  5. Really? xo Thats new. I'm going to it this year second weekend can't wait!
  6. Don't let that stop u :p come to belgium!
  7. Any1 going to tommorowland?
  8. That i will do. 10min. will be long enough :p
  9. Good idea but i'll keep that one for when i would live together with her. No problem enjoy it while u can ;) But she didn't put me for an ultimatum she just waited and said it once in a while but i realised that i really wanted her as my girlfriend and i asked her if she still wanted a realtionship and thats how it started...
  10. No i just said kissing to don't go too far but with 'more' i ment a relationship not a F***buddy relationship.
  11. Ok i already before we started our relationship if you must now.
  12. Maybee if its good weather Thanks. Well your not alone Thanks for reading.
  13. grow up. She already has one and it's a pain in the ass. so no thanks.
  14. Hello guys, I'm from belgium so if i type something wrong don't judge me too hard please. So I had some relationships in the past that lastet a few months but never really worked out in the long run because I always get bored of those relationships and wan't to be a single man again. Last year i decided to stay single for a longer time like 1 or 2 years to enjoy my life with my friends as much as possible. Now i met this girl at new years evening and we kissed but than i left because i didn't want a relationship. Few days later she texted me and we started talking and meeting at party's, exct. .. Now when we met we kissed sometimes but i really didn't want more than that. But that was not the case with her she wanted to start a relationship but i kept saying no. A few weeks later I realised that the more i hang out with her the more that i started too have feelings for her. So i was in a fight to chose between keeping my promise to stay single or follow my feelings and start dating again. I chose to follow my feelings because i couldn't hold it in any longer! I loved her! I just hoped i wouldn't get bored again after a few months like always.... We are a few months in a relationship now and by my suprise I love her more than ever! She's like a best friend when we are together with the benifits of a relationship. I realised this because she is on a vacation with familly now for 2 weeks and i miss her so much! So after this long (maybee boring story) i have a question. I wan't to do something romantic with her or for her on the day she comes back (21/07/14). Does any have any ideas? Thank you.
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