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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Kati2

  1. Congratulations to our community and Mcnevans on being our 8,000th member!




    We're rapidly growing and are proud to be growing at the rate we are. Opening only a few months ago, OSBot is now advancing to be the lead oldschool Runescape bot. We have a long way to go, but will achieve it in time!


    As a reward, we are giving Mcnevans a free month of VIP.


    Thanks again,


    • Like 4
  2. it depends if the .jar is obfuscated.


    Anyway, unless you know what you're doing, I suggest you don't de-compile. There will be many errors, and you'll have no idea how to fix them.


    Also, it's dis-respectful towards the writer.

    • Like 2
  3. I made this from one I was working on.. Hope you like it! biggrin.png also if someone else wants one feel free to post a order on my store ( its free )


    heres one for kati also (:


    i think this is my last "logo"base biggrin.png gotta make more soon I think




    I couldn't see myself using this, but I think it looks pretty cool. The gear is legit. That, and I love wolves.


    Great work, keep it up.


  4. Not random, witnesses, either way, if they post off-topic, they get a warning, I highly doubt anyone would do that in that case.


    Random people would post, many warnings would be given. There is no reason for witnesses. I have chat logs. Having witnesses post is a waste of time. If he breaks the rule, there are logs to verify, and he will get in trouble. That's the process, no need to change an efficient one. I will make a private forum for this.


    no not random members, make it people affiliated with the conflict be able to post, he will list off the people that were in the chat at the time and if anyone that wasnt there comments then it is considered spam


    Read above.

  5. but lets say someone calls someone else a N**** sand monkey needs to go back to Africa with there jewish N**** family or ariba with your sand m*nkey ect... 

    no admins, no mods HUGE RACISM and some have a low tolerence, so they should be aple to report them so they can have a 1 day mute


    And letting random members comment on this thread will help? No.

    As I said, maybe a private report section.

  6. Other members of the community have no reason to comment on reports of other member's. They cannot do anything about the rule breaking, nor do they have a say in what happens. Possibly a report section of some sort.

  7. I've removed the content that is offensively directed towards a specific member or group. Please be mindful of others.


    The staff team is still not laid out as the community is new, there is of course going to be new globals.


    Perhaps you should take the proper procedures when given false warnings.  This is definitely in the "Warning Appeals" section, not the site feedback section.  If you would like to appeal, you may do so. 


    Thank you for bringing my eyes to these situations, however I'm disappointed in your irresponsible method of getting this information to me.


    This topic is closed. There's no need to discuss any of the content posted, as it is not only in the wrong section, but offensive towards our staff.


    Edit: As for pre-mature closing, I'll address the staff on this.

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