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  1. Been nothing but smooth sailing from me, getting near 100k ranged exp an hour at 90 ranged with blowpipe/void https://imgur.com/a/Mt8DSfg I love the sheer number of options available with this script
  2. Yeah I got the same thing, I just paused it - entered and pressed start and it worked fine. I had the full stack of pots in my bags for reference, with the exact numbers I stated in the config. I haven't yet had that issue when I have empty bags though I had mirror mode at 100 ms and 45 fps [DEBUG][Bot #1][05/22 02:09:44 AM]: Initializing mirror client bot... [INFO][05/22 02:09:44 AM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:09:59 AM]: Initializing 38 API modules... [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:36 AM]: Loaded 2 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:36 AM]: starting script [WARN][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:36 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:36 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:36 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:10:38 AM]: starting script without parameters [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:26 AM]: started script with scriptSettings: {bosses=Bouncer;Count Draynor;Khazard Warlord;The Kendal;Tree Spirit, dream type=Customisable Rumble (Normal), dream position=Center, power-ups=Recurrent Damage;Zapper;Ultimate Force, guzzle rock cake=true, guzzle min=4, guzzle max=8, leave dream at max points=false, hop worlds between dreams=false, buy herb boxes daily=true, flick rapid heal=true, flick min=15, flick max=55, use special attack=false, main weapon=, switch weapon=false, spec weapon=, energy required=100, recharge blowpipe=false, min darts=1000, min scales=1500, repair barrows armour=false, below percent=25, take breaks=false, break frequency=1, min break=25, max break=45, prayer potion=0, super restore=0, super ranging=0, super magic=0, overload=7, absorption=20, prayer min=5, prayer max=15, absorption min=100, absorption max=500, repot min=10, repot max=14, protect from melee=false, ultimate strength=false, incredible reflexes=false, eagle eye=false, mystic might=false, preserve=false, chivalry=false, piety=false, rigour=false, augury=false} [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:26 AM]: updating context [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:27 AM]: interacting with barrel [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:29 AM]: entering dream [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:31 AM]: interacting with potion [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:34 AM]: interacting with barrel [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:37 AM]: entering dream [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:39 AM]: interacting with potion [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:42 AM]: interacting with barrel [INFO][Bot #1][05/22 02:12:43 AM]: Script StealthNMZ has paused!
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