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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Rare

  1. I don't think old vouches should still be valid for the new system...


    It's like old standards don't match to the new ones.


    That's the dumbest thing I have heard.

    It's still the same community.

    The only difference is the way we represent our trust...

  2. Sick of seeing the ad's...

    Every now and then I'll hear 'Ding! Ding! Ding! You have mail!'


    Really annoying..

    But anyways.. 

    This would be an incentive for members to buy VIP.

  3. 1) yes to a report SECTION

    For char box as well

    2) Giveaways, okay, don't care either way

    3) Ranks, no thanks. It'll encourage spam and Peter will get anal!

    4) No, if you're talking about your favorite desert and the change the topic to cars and your post, you'll make everything else look like spam.

    5) Sure, couldn't care less.


    2 - You can't tell me free things aren't nice. I will be doing a TON of Rsgp giveaways. It always spices everyone's days up. 

    3 - If Peter gets anal over spam then he doesn't deserve to be a moderator. If he writes scripts and codes then he should be an Admin. Moderators are generally made for watching over the forums. Sit.

    4 - This will need to be moderated. Which it will be. This is generally made to change prices on titles, or if you happened to change your username. Etc. 

    5 - You really should care. Graphics are a big part of forums now'a days. It always opens up crazy opportunities for the forums. You never know who might step in here one day. 




    - Don't think we specifically need a 'Scammer' button. Believe it or not the less buttons the better, just leave it at report a person and once a person is tagged 'Scammer' then it will be shown below his name in bold red like done in TF2 markets.


    - Giveaways should be okay depending on Donations:Receivers. At this point in time not many people are in the position to give away and yes, there may be a few out there. There'll be way too many people just waiting to leech every single giveaway though. I suggest stalling this as of right now


    - I don't like the agree as i've been in forums that use this setup and only resulted in WAAAY too much spam, BUT. If you're going to implement a rather unique ranking system than yes. Instead of POST-count it should be LIKE-count and the liking system should be brought back to the table and polished to prevent any 'Like farming'.


    - Totally agree, especially for people who run shops. This will prevent ALOT of spam.


    - Don't know what SOTW is


    Ideas are good, just need polishing and alot of thinking before implemented.

    1- Nonetheless, I was just saying we need a separate section to place the reports. Everyone kinda throws them wherever.

    2- Revert to post above, Also; They can easily add a hide system where you would have to be registered for so long. (Not sure on this one, you made a pretty decent point)

  4. I love all of your suggestions and support everyone of them. 


    I also think there does need to be a few more moderators, well picked though, would not want any abusive ones infracting everyone they see for minor things. I have talked to Kati also about having Live Chat moderators to make sure spammers etc will not join because usually mods are not located there most of the time. 


    Glad to see new ideas forming. biggrin.png


    Thanks for the reply. 

    I absolutely agree, I'm sure they can implement a report system in the live chat though.


    I've seen other forums with it. 

  5. Thanks for the feedback.


    I believe some promotions should come around as well. We average 50-100 registered users online in most cases..

    Usually only 1-2 Admins or moderators available. Sometimes none. 

    • First off, add a 'report a scammer' section. Beings we are a growing market, this is a NEED.
    • Add a 'Giveaway' section - I like participating in this area.
    • Add forum ranks, yes; this will produce a little more spam - Just means our moderators will need to do their job on the forums - But this will add some color, sick of just seeing black and white everywhere. .-.
    • The ability to change the title of threads - This is always a plus and will allow users to not have to open different threads because of a few changes.
    • Get SOTW going. It really doesn't take much effort to make a SOTW thread every week. If Koy doesn't have time, I'm willing to start this and help.

    That concludes my suggestions, feel free to leave your inputs below.

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