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Everything posted by Akemps

  1. Akemps

    Khal AIO Hunter

    Mirror mode, recommended settings and allow script override. No debug settings enabled.
  2. Akemps

    Khal AIO Hunter

    I've done some more testing yesterday, it does it every time for me when it's resetting a box that's still standing (with or without a red chin caught). When it sets up a box that has fallen, it waits until the walking animation is done and then goes to click the next box. That timing looks to be just fine.
  3. Akemps

    Khal AIO Hunter

    I'll test it again somewhere today or tomorrow to see if the same thing happens. I've given it a rest for now.
  4. Akemps

    Khal AIO Hunter

    Some feedback on the red chins functions. Using piscatoris area. Every time it resets a box trap that successfully caught a red chinchompa, it right-click resets on the next box trap while you're in the animation of moving off of the current box trap. This results in the action not happening, the script then waits a little bit and then tries to reset a box trap again. Due to the delay, it ends up missing half of the box traps that caught something because the traps fall to the ground for waiting too long. I'm not a scripter, but perhaps the delay to try to reset a box trap again could be a bit shorter?
  5. Akemps

    Khal AIO Hunter

    Does this script include Herbiboar?
  6. Babysat it for half a day, works great. +1 Purchase
  7. This is the last script on my list that I'd like to try out. Would I be able to trial this one as well? Thanks in advance!
  8. Another great script, running smooth and no issues. That's another one for the purchase list.
  9. Hey again - I'd also like to try this one out. Thanks in advance!
  10. Works very well, nice. Will probably purchase later.
  11. Hi there! I was wondering if I could trial this script? Thanks in advance!
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