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Everything posted by alpi1

  1. Damn idk how you get banned so easily, i've been botting 3 accounts for about 120hours straight with 3 - 4 min breaks, every 2 - 5 hours , and make around 25m profit a day , 8M per acc per day
  2. I have infact tested it myself and in approximately 64 minutes I managed 104 ores , there are one or two ores out of every 10 that tske more than 1 minute at 85 mining and 2 of the remainder 8 taking about one minute each out of ten and the rest are pretty much click boom click boom click click , click again boom
  3. nopes , i've been botting for 50 hours straight , no bans
  4. no what he is saying is , can he release a free dragon bot script that rivals the scripts within the SDN therefore yes , and he is asking whether it will be taken down due to loss of sales on the SDN scripts losing out because of his bot being free and soo good , but tbh sounds like a catch somewhere like they will push an update with a mechanism to empty out banks but w/e
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