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Golden pk

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  1. Make a wildy alter script for burying bones with antipk
  2. Normally ~~ 70m, ban reduces price because they ban quicker on repeat offenses. You need 100 post count to sell. If account has a registered email -> lowers price alot as it can always be recovered. And low post count so high ban chance.
  3. So i was thinking if i bought a load of lvl 3 tuts and registered them all the the same email address if 1 got banned would they all as same registered email even if playing on diff ips?
  4. Use the AnimatedArmour script by scriptersteve and an AIO fighter whilst babysitting - or you could ask him and he may make an actual cyclops one to go with it. or just pay money and get the paid script??
  5. autoclicked all but cooking myself - how'd you do that?
  6. Looking at making some higher leveled accounts, once they get to members they tend to be fine, but in f2p they get hit often by bans. What's the best level to bond then to mems, i found changing at base 30s tended to be ok but if i tried to get base 50s-60s in f2p i'd get hit by a ban
  7. I have my own personal nightmare zone scripts (not java just using a mouse recorder but i have about 6 hrs worth of different scripts and i cycle them) I am around 200m or so exp ban free using them, so confident on my ability to make maxed mains easily as have made 4 or 5 now Have been making these alts for friends recently, but now all my friends have the maxed alts i've made them. Was wondering how much gp/maxed melee accounts would go for to decide whether i should start making them to sell. Would be 99 atk/str/def/hp + nmz host
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