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Trade With Caution
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About TheMcPker

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  1. if you bot you will get banned at some point thats something you should see as a fact. Yes there are people who get away with big hours of botting in a row but thats rare and its often a combination of luck/very good planning its not the standard its the exception.
  2. Than ask what are efficient ways. You can't blame me when your asking a bad question my answer was good based on the question states
  3. Hey thanks for your interrest in the project. the project has been submitted to school and been graded im currently trying to find time to create a downscaled version to release here for free exspecting to have time for that somewhere next week.
  4. this is so obvious but... how about you sell the ingame money for real money?
  5. First it would be best to focus on learning java. If try to learn java by scripting there's a huge chance you will learn some horrible coding habits it may be very boring at the beginning but learning coding by actively studying how to improve and write clean code will help you so much in the future and writing your first few scripts will be so much less confusing since you'd have a good understanding already on how everything works / should be used i wish you the best of luck
  6. Hey guys since im working on a botpanel i'd like to have my scripts send certain info to my api for data collection. Are there any restrictions in terms of what you can and can't do in a script (This is not for a private scripting customer or anything like that just my personal use)
  7. "Right to be forgotten" no1 know's who you are to start with man.
  8. Add my discord il happily go in a call with you and review possibilities tonight for how to write certain stuff and explain why and how certain things are done if you would like (been writing bots for 3+ years now and got like 100 private scripts)
  9. I would suggest putting more if statements to make sure you are not skipping actions or doing actions when its not supposed to happen. (in the onloop)
  10. always and i mean always have a few rest days at minimum it doesn't hurt you to wait and it really does help. even if small geographic change. Are you not using residental proxy's for account creation? since you mention rotating is cheaper. which is often the opposit with residental proxy's
  11. how easy they are detected depends on if residential or datacenter that they are rotating does not have a impact. after making + doing tutorial island don't use them again untill you waited some days/weeks to allow for the change in location (from ip switching when botting) to be possible example going from Amsterdam to New york in 1 day ip wise would be odd but after a week or more? nothing weird about that
  12. np happy to help if you ever need help feel free to contact me on my discord themcpker#8210
  13. please take a look at this example: and tell me if something is unclear Area bank; @Override public void onStart() throws InterruptedException { String userOptions[] = {"Varrock", "Falador", "Edgeville"}; String userChoice = ""+(String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose a location", "Bank Walker", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, userOptions, userOptions[1]); String taskOptions[] = {"fletch", "craft"}; String task = ""+(String)JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Choose a action", "Bank Walker", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, actionOptions, actionOptions[1]); //we set the Area bank varible to the bank we want to use later on to be used in the WalkBank method; switch(userChoice) { case "Varrock": bank = Banks.FALADOR_WEST; break; case "Falador": bank = Banks.FALADOR_WEST; break; case "Edgeville": bank = Banks.GRAND_EXCHANGE; break; } combat.toggleAutoRetaliate(false); } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { //only actives the task if the WalkBank method returned true (so the player is at the bank) if(WalkBank) { //based on the task we do something diffrent so if task = fletch then it activates the method you have in the return statement (uses return so you return diffrent int values) switch(task) { case "fletch": return Fletch(); case "craft": return Craft(); } } //if walk bank fails it will try again in 700 ms return 700; } public int Craft() { //code for crafting //if you'd want to fletching if something happens example run out of supplies you could use task = "fletch"; at what ever point in code here //the amount you return here will count as sleep for x ms return 100; } public int Fletch() { //code for fletching //if you'd want to crafting if something happens example run out of supplies you could use task = "craft"; at what ever point in code here //the amount you return here will count as sleep for x ms return 100; } //returns true if at the bank if its not at the bank it will try walk there and return false in the method in the onloop public boolean WalkBank() { if (bank.contains(myPosition())) { return true; } else { getWalking().webWalk(bank); return false; } } this can be used to support big scripts if you'd have a wcing script you can have tasks: woodcutting/walk bank/bank/walk trees in woodcutting you would put task = "walk bank" after your inventory is full making the script swap to the task walk bank. then in walk bank you would instead of return true have task = "bank" then in that task if you inventory is empty (or only axe in inventory remains) you would use task = "walk trees" ect that way you can create a logical flow in your script and have many diffrent actions most often in a setup like this you would have the task preset to 1 of the tasks so the script starts at task a and from there on just goes though all tasks and repeat i know it can be a tiny bit complex but the code above with the explanation should give you some of the groundwork to write a clean wcing script or any other script of the sorts
  14. read the title than answer me is the code you made clean or good for long run? my code is simpel and operates in the same way your code does but in a more clean/easy to increase way. if your helping a beginner maybe you'd wanna focus on giving a good example rather than give a mess of useless methods and if/else statements. both can be done without making the code over complex.
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