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Everything posted by Trustmybet

  1. that skype already looks fishy lol
  2. aww sucks to hear man . nice seeing you tho bud
  3. I forgot you </3 sorry. will put you in. and thanks
  4. You changed your name so much i dont even know that your Ball anymore ):
  5. Why you gotta comment twice? lol... And I dont really care what you say. doesn't bother me. Haters gunna Hate
  6. Today is the day where I finally get achieved my goal that I've always wanted to achieve since I joined this site.. From being a shit noob that didn't know how to run the bot, to learning how to bot, from being scammed, to learning who I can trust and who I cannot, to opening my first service back in November, and lastly to finding what I really loved.. I'd like to thank to whole Staff Members of OSbot and all of the ex-staffs as well. For helping me, guiding me, giving me advice... I wouldn't have achieved my goals without you guys. I love you guys! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be apart of this community. People who I will always love and remember. @Cinnamon for allowing me to beat him @Dex for always helping me in and out and understanding the things I'm going through. #1 MOD. @Probemas for always being legit and my buddy. Taught me lots of stuff about the market. @Maldesto for putting time into Osbot even with other things going on in his life. @RetardedSkiddy for always being there for me. Just like a brother. Love you. @Acerd for being with me from the start of my service. Thanks man, couldn't had been here without you. @Tyrant for being a chill ass guy and always getting my back. @Mikasa for being one of the best mods understanding @Divinity @Laz for working his ass off for Osbot. @Zach for working his ass off for Osbot. @Maxi for working his ass off for Osbot. @Alek for being a great help with how to run scripts when I didn't know shit. @Divica for teaching me about the market from the very beginning. My first vouch lol. @Ricky for being an awesome guy who gave me VIP for the first time back then for being a noob but still giving me advice for stuff. @TheScrub for helping me learn how scripts run and shit @yoyo0 for being the best worker ever! thanks bro! for being a good worker. Still kinda new but you'll be getting far @Mysteryy for helping with scripts and gave me some awesome mage levels back then with his script. for being a ballsack jk. For being a chill ass guy and helping me from time to time. @Eliot for understanding my parts of stories and being an awesome mod. @Proto for entertaining me and helping me in the past. And to anyone else I missed. Thank you all 11/04/2014 Love, Trust
  7. Why didn't they just use the minigame tele?
  8. Typical people who can do graphics good ):
  9. Happened to me once about my family... cried in mah sleep
  10. text: TEAM TRUST AIO SERVICES Any special effects: just make it look sexy Color Scheme: just make it look sexyy
  11. Just return it dude.. It's pretty rude.. imagine if you lost your phone.. people these days smh.. no hearts.
  12. I barely rwt.. I don't even run gold markets mate .
  13. Nah tried as well. All worlds are dcing..
  14. And all of them I died at around 50 something.. so that was like an hour - 1 hour 30 mins waste of my time
  15. Is Lizard Squad back or what? My internet is beast fast. Dc'd like 20 times today. Failed 5 firecapes because of it and lost 500k from nmz and lost some gear. Wtf is up with these servers..
  16. Don't press or go to anything that links you somewhere thats phishy or doesn't look right
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