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  1. It truly does look amazing. From your work I've seen you can definitely do a lot of awesome things with it. Though, is it only for MAC? I unfortunately don't have a MAC for design. After researching a bit do you think proto.io would be the better option for a windows user? EDIT: After looking a I have also found protopie, what do you think of this? One more edit: I am going to just PM you for further info so I don't spam this thread.
  2. Awesome man thanks a lot.. I have a Windows PC, any idea how comparable proto.io is to Principle?
  3. This looks great man. What are you using to create your graphics?
  4. Ok thanks guys I appreciate it.
  5. Hi, I am not too sure if I want to sell this account yet but I figured I'd get a PC on it anyway.. It has had a two day ban in the past. Full void melee is essentially the only thing of value that it has. mm1 and a couple other quests finished. I will most likely get 65+ rng/mge before selling if that would add any value.
  6. on coinbase you can send BTC via email and avoid all fees. I believe I can only send to other coinbase users that way though. If you decide to go for it do you mind using my referral link? I believe it will give us both $10.00
  7. I'm interested in 15M, can I send it via coinbase email to avoid fees?
  8. Ok this is all I needed. Thanks a lot. I will probably just leave it sitting for a while.
  9. First time doing this.. One moment x.x learning something new.. haha
  10. Bummed you caught that haha, edited and removed it as quickly as I saw it.
  11. Any bans? I'd love to buy this from you
  12. Testing this soon on my newbie. Thanks for the release friend.
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