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Kiernan Moran

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  1. trying to purchase VIP however it will not let me continue to paypal as a guest? it allows me to do this when purchasing scripts but not vip? any help?
  2. please fix this script, it seems quite a few of us are having the same issue.
  3. ive also seen it miscklick a void guy right on the dock by the gangplank and gets stuck when the void tells the player how many points they have, the bot fails to make sure its on the boat
  4. - What is the issue, explain detailed? After x amount of games the script fails to cross the gangplank back onto the boat and gets stuck with the message from the void night saying you are awarded 3 points. script fails to click on plank to board boat for another game and in turn times out til logout - What is your setup(what did you fill in the GUI)? default setting , attack portals. - Printscreen with the OSBot console enables and script paint when getting stuck.
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