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  1. I will reflect the changes now, I'll do Copper until 15, Iron until 45, Coal until 55, and Gold 55+ until I add some more rocks. Does this sound fine? Yes I know that powermining is where the XP is at, but this is more of a personal script for myself that I'm making available and I personally don't want a powerminer, but if you like the script and want to change it around, feel free to use the source code. If I keep the script as is @Jammer what do you suggest my rocks should be based on level. Is what I said earlier good enough or should it be changed?
  2. What levels do you suggest for each ore? I will change it.
  3. Since I already have a Woodcutter I decided to base a Miner off of my Woodcutter so you and I have more skills to bot. This works the exact same way that the Woodcutter works. It requires that you have a bronze pickaxe, a mithril pickaxe, an adamant pickaxe, a rune pickaxe, and dragon pickaxe in your inventory or bank. Mines Copper until level 15* Mines Iron from 15 to 45* Mines Coal from 45 to 55* Mines Gold from 55 - 99* TODO: Add locations for higher levels. *(Switches location automatically) (Switches pickaxe based on mining level automatically) Source Code: https://github.com/grspiv/SimpleMiner Download: https://nofile.io/f/9AUgfzMZUnq/EvolvingMiner.jar Progress so far:
  4. New task based and fixed a bunch of random bullshit that it would do... All I need now is higher levels to add new areas.
  5. Relax my dude, no need to be mad. People just made his script whatever it was intended to be, whether he used states or not. The point was to fix the code. By the way private boolean shouldGoBank() { return inventory.isEmpty(); } tl;dr Why not just private boolean shouldBank = inventory.isEmpty();
  6. No problem, and another thing, after looking at your code, in your withdrawing from bank case, there is no code to actually withdraw anything, it's only going to open the bank window, and your kill cow will keep spam clicking because there is no checks for different scenario. Best of luck on your journey to learn Java, dude!
  7. should really be import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; like the poster above me said. also, if statements should be scoped, and its a common beginner mistake to add a semicolon to your if statement but you should avoid doing that. and 1 more thing if (inventory.isFull()) return State.GO_TO_COWS; is the same as saying if inventory is full, go to cows. it should be !inventory.isFull() which translates to not inventory is full package core; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.constants.Banks; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; import static org.osbot.rs07.api.map.constants.Banks.LUMBRIDGE_UPPER; @ScriptManifest(name = "Skeleton", author = "Alek", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") public class Skeleton extends Script { @Override public void onStart() { } private enum State { GO_TO_BANK, WITHDRAW_FOOD, GO_TO_COWS, KILL_COW, WAIT } public static final Area BANK_AREA = Banks.LUMBRIDGE_UPPER; Position CowPosition = (Position) myPosition(); private State getState() { RS2Object cow = getObjects().closest("Cow"); if (inventory.isEmpty()) { //no food return State.GO_TO_BANK; } if (LUMBRIDGE_UPPER.contains(myPosition())) { return State.WITHDRAW_FOOD; } if (!inventory.isFull()) { return State.GO_TO_COWS; } if (inventory.contains(329)) { return State.KILL_COW; } return State.WAIT; } @Override public void onExit() { //Code here will execute after the script ends } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch (getState()) { case GO_TO_BANK: getWalking().webWalk(BANK_AREA); //walk to lumby bank break; case WITHDRAW_FOOD: npcs.closest("Banker").interact("Bank"); //withdraw food from lumbridge bank booth break; case GO_TO_COWS: Position pos1 = new Position(3259, 3269, 0); getWalking().walk(pos1); //walk to cows position break; case KILL_COW: npcs.closest("Cow").interact("Attack");//get cow npc and kill, cow 2805-2809 break; case WAIT: break; } return random(210, 305); //The amount of time in milliseconds before the loop starts over } @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { //This is where you will put your code for paint(s) } } This is what it probably was intended to be by you?
  8. Alright I added the conditional sleeps. I plan to add states and enums soon when I polish some more stuff up.. Updated source and download link for anyone who wants to try it out. I'm also currently working on making it above 60 WC as soon as I get level 60, currently 59. So I will also update it with more trees and locations as soon as I am able to.
  9. Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it. I haven't learned about enum's just yet, but I do plan to use them as I have read around the sections that it's probably best to use. I will also look into using the conditional sleeps. Thank you for giving me your feedback, I will see what I can do to update it. Also, do you mean the sleeps in my withdraw method, and whatever else uses them?
  10. Hi, thank you. I also just updated it to detect axes a few minutes after your post, so if you ever get to it, try the newer version. Let me know if you run into any problems and I will try to fix them.
  11. I have gotten around to updating this, actually fully rewriting it to follow tasks. It's exactly the same thing as it was before, except it's much better, and is kind of easier to read if looking at source. It will chop trees before 15, then chop oaks until 30, switch to Willows until 60, and then cut Yews. It requires you to have a bronze axe, a mithril axe, an adamant axe, a rune axe, and a dragon axe in your inventory. (Feel free to change it to your liking or use it as I have it) Made a new account to re-create this ~2 hours ago: Source Code: https://github.com/grspiv/SimpleWoodcut Download: https://nofile.io/f/6wMub6zjqzF/EvolvingWoodcutterv5.jar Enjoy! v0.5 Added just made it easier for me to read the code by adding old methods to new class
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