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  1. Promo: Quad Core Opteron 2.00GHz 16GB DDR2 2x120GB SATA 5TB @ 1Gbps $15.00
  2. All of the trials have been spoken for I've emailed all of the users that spoke for one if one doesn't message me back today or tomorrow ill release the trial to someone else/you.
  3. Sent over a pm requesting additional install information (OS)
  4. Releasing 4 VPS trials to the first 4 users who comment on this thread the trial will last for 30 days. Due to it being a trial we will offer best effort support to all trial users. Trial VPS Specs: 1GB DDR3 RAM 1 Core 20GB SSD Disk Space 1TB @ 100Mbps 1IPv4 Address * All trials have been spoken for. Also $10 off any dedicated server until 11/3/2017.
  5. Requesting a thread layout for vps shop via PP =)
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