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Posts posted by prompt

  1. Just now, Allow Me said:

    did you purchase it on this account? Or was it another account maybe? I did mine via paypal as well and it worked seamlessly.

    I can see the transaction pending in my account under store > billing agreements, so it's not that.  I've just seen a similar topic recently where someone had the same issue and it had to be done manually, so im thinking its possibly that

  2. 34 minutes ago, Camaro said:

    Hey, love to hear it!

    So with the hopping too fast, if I understand what youre saying correctly, if I detect someone else telegrabbing before the bot has a chance to set up, I have it hop worlds. I do this because you would have to wait a full 30 seconds for another wine to appear. If it immediately hops to another world, then theres a high chance of waiting less time or having a wine already be available on that next world.

    I implemented that before the world hop limit was a thing, so if its becoming a big issue, I could possibly add an option to limit world hopping to only when necessary.

    Also, are you running all of the accounts on the same ip? I believe the world hop limit is per ip, so if you have multiple accounts hopping on the same ip, that might cause you to run into it more often.

    Thank you for the reply.

    You got what I was saying, but on top of it hopping before it has a chance to set up, if for example there's 2 of us attempting to grab then only one of us will get aggro of the mobs leaving the other person out of combat after a few seconds.  It will then hop as soon as grab action is complete,  which leads to pretty rapid successive hops if you're unlucky, seems more likely on more populated worlds. (I think it spawns quicker on those worlds so will again lead to quicker hops) 

    The part about hopping before the bot has had a chance to setup makes sense and seems to be fine, I think the issue is when it does that and then does what I described above straight afterwards in succession. On the emptier worlds with less competition I'm not running into the issue / not as much so If it could somehow be forced to wait the 10S or so after a successful grab to world hop I don't think it would happen.

    I do have 2 running at a time on the same client and PC so the same IP, didn't know that was a factor too.  

    Hopefully this makes sense, my brain is elsewhere today...


  3. Hey Camaro,

    First off, amazing script!  been running almost lawlessly for me thus far. 

    Only issue I have encountered is that sometimes when world hopping if someone else attempts to grab the wine you sometimes don't go in combat and so the bot world hops straight away rather than taking the 5-10s to run out and get out of combat. This has been leading to the account hopping too fast and getting dc'd and getting the "too many login attempts" message.

    On a side note I've had a few accounts going for 4 days in a row at 8+ hours a day with this script and still going strong.


  4. On 25/02/2018 at 6:03 PM, withoutidols said:

    I appreciate the offer, but unfortunately I have a tough week of school ahead of me.

    I apologize on going stale on these changes. 

    It can be discouraging, I have received a lot of positive community feedback but have not received a reply for my SDN request for over 2 months. 


    Life is life, that takes priority. I should be learning how to do this myself really. I've read your source code but mind boggled me. As I said, script is fine as is for f2p farming, you just cant really run it and have acc's sit there, they'll be banned in 2-3 days at best I've found, i'll leave it at that

    Cheers again mate and still banging efficient script.

  5. 9 hours ago, Burundanga said:

    I'm willing to tip you 3m if you can add so that when script starts and one is not in lumbridge it will home teleport, and when in lumby if inventory has value over 10k it will first go upstairs to lumbridge bank and deposit everything before starting the 7qp run, please and thank you. PM me what location and world u want to meet up, I will give u the money right now. @withoutidols

    I'll add whatever you deem necessary to do this, plus add some different walking paths, bit more randomisation maybe some 2-3 second afk human like idles randomly etc, along with a little bitch of quest order randomisation, oh and the mugger issues. Understand this is a free script, but I'll contribute as it currently is very smooth and quick but I feel that might be adding to the pattern detections or whatever mythical creature decides ban rates. 

    Cheers and by all means ignore this entirely if you like as it's a free script which is working me wonders as is, just some possible improvements I'd add. Could easily be a paid script with a few more flawless features.

  6. No offence meant and maybe it's because I'm pretty high but if theres an update, check osbot chat and you'll see what's up.

    I'm pretty sure the staff will know without you needing to make a topic mate its pretty common :)

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