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  1. I guess I'm going blind Thank you for the help. Just in case you were wondering, it looks like closest(Filter) did what I expected it to do, so there wasn't a need to sort by distance in the end I'll probably end up getting all NPCs and manually sorting when I move on to user entered targets, but for now this seems fine. Thank you for the GL as well, I'm planning on exploring GUI options now that I have some human-like behaviour that can be customised and then I'll probably just post it on the forums.
  2. Oh shit you're right, my bad! Looks like the tutorial he's linked recommends doing that too, but judging by his screenshot he's set it up to work per application, as it's routing traffic to rsbuddy APIs and runescape worlds to the same proxy.
  3. That's not how proxifier is designed. Proxifier works per application and all traffic from OSBuddy is exactly that, from OSBuddy. There are no background services or other executables running which could be leaking his IP. Basically all traffic per application goes Application -> Proxifier configured proxy -> Server. @DoubleD I suspect the proxy you're trying to use is faulty, but proxifier seems to think it's valid. Here's an easy enough way to verify: If you haven't already, google "Proxy Checker" and run it through a legitimate looking site, or just ping it through command prompt and see what happens. If it times out, you need a new proxy. Check your actual IP on a site like http://whatismyipaddress.com/ Log in and out of OSBuddy with proxifier as it's set up, verify that the "last IP" is set to your proxy IP Log in and out of OSBot as standard, if you see your actual IP, with a different one in OSBuddy, you're good to go. As an additional step, it may be worth checking your proxy's IP address against http://whatismyipaddress.com/IPHERE to see if it's already listed as a suspected/confirmed proxy.
  4. Well after some messing around after work today, it seems that my original filter is working after all? If it's any help to anyone else, I've had nice success with using this as part of my filter. npc.getInteracting() == null Using it in a conditional sleep has fixed a problem where my bot would instantly kill something and my previous conditional sleep wasn't registering combat in time. If only I'd actually read @liverare's post before now, I wouldn't have ended up experimenting with different methods on NPCs. Is there ever a situation where interactingWith would come back not null, but interactingWith would not exist? A lot of the snippets I've been reading seem to have a lot of redundant code, I'm trying to make sure I actually understand the fine differences between some of the methods which seem to do very similar/the same thing.
  5. Aha! That was something I was looking for, thank you! I'd been looking for canReach or something similar on the NPC and Character classes, woops. I would have expected .closest(<filter here>) to grab the closest mob that matches that filter, is this really not what it does? Seems a bit misleading Looks like the API docs aren't clear on that, "Gets the closest generically specified Entity by using the Pythagoras algorithm."
  6. Hey all, I've spent a couple of hours building a super simple script from scratch, trying to get accustomed to OSBot's API. As a professional .NET developer I'm slightly out of my depth with IntelliJ and the standard Java API docs that exist. I've created a super simple script for chicken killing and it works great, left it alone for 2 hours and it did everything it should have except for getting stuck once trying to attack a chicken which was being splashed by some dickhead. I'm trying to fix a couple of little bugs before I start getting my head around startup GUI, so any help would be appreciated. I have a filter set up to get the attackable chickens that aren't currently under attack. There's probably some redundancy here, advice is always welcome private Character getNearestAttackableChicken() { return getNpcs().closest(getChickenFilter()); } //Attempt #1, using isUnderAttack private Filter<NPC> getChickenFilter() { return npc -> npc.getName() .contains("Chicken") && npc.isAttackable() && !npc.isUnderAttack() && chickenArea.contains(npc); } //Attempt #2, using isHitBarVisible private Filter<NPC> getChickenFilter() { return npc -> npc.getName() .contains("Chicken") && npc.isAttackable() && !npc.isHitBarVisible() && chickenArea.contains(npc); } I would have expected either of the above attempts to stop my script from attacking anything that's already being attacked by another player... but instead it just clicks chickens next to it, even if they're being attacked by another player. Not bad progress for a quick test run
  7. From the RS website: So I guess don't do that and you're fine.
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