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Posts posted by NerdyPlaya

  1. 6 hours ago, Eagle Scripts said:

    I am not sure, I have uploaded the new version yesterday. Normally it only takes 24 hours.

    ok ty, and sorry for sounding like an entitled dick, I was running off of zero sleep/energy and was anxious/excited to use your script before knocking out, lol.

  2. fucks up banking. cant even use script.


    withdraws 22 sharks, then two staminas, then waterskin, then nardah, then another two fucknig staminas, ffs


    also cant walk to bank in clan wars, the new teleport

  3. 4 hours ago, Turkoize said:



    went to DD got myself a smores frozen and two donuts with black tea. 

    Added the card to my phone app, merged the card with my existing one, payed with the app, got stuff. 

    Smores frozen? I forgot they had that, thought that was just a Starbucks thing. I'm gunna have to go grab one now, lol.

    Thanks for the vouch, hopefully more members will have a bit more faith regarding this thread.


    4 hours ago, melomel said:

    Do you have unlimited stock? O_O for instance if I got 90m together....

    Unlimited? Not quite. 90m would get you a single $300 Dunkin Donuts card. Let me know if you would like this.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Drewyboyo said:

    results please, id like to buy after

    Still waiting on him... I'm going first anyway, so not sure why you're waiting on him.

    I'm 99% sure that these cards will always be valid, and if anything ever happened, I would be happy to replace any lost balance... but this wouldn't happen, this is the same as having your own gift card.

  5. 2 hours ago, Dbuffed said:

    And i've been around longer and agree lol. Saw your post earlier but couldn't comment as wasn't signed in.

    I'd happily buy if UK based and not carded.


    Please save it, I don't care if you guys were born in the scene, take your accusations elsewhere. I already said how they are obtained, take it or leave it. I can show a mod the sites and people I get it from.


    2 hours ago, Turkoize said:

    I pm'd him about an hour or so to send codes and he hasn't delivered :gnome:


    Hey sorry about that. I got a little skeptical when you asked for two $50s up front... then fell asleep, lol. Are you still interested? I have a $50 ready for you, might take longer to find another one.

  6. Giving away to $5 Dunkin Donut gift cards as vouch copies for my marketplace thread.

    One of the most common accusations/concerns: are they carded? No. They are obtained via exchanges such as Paxful and LocalBitcoin as a quick way to sell old gift cards for digital currency. All gift cards go through a long cooling period to ensure customer satisfaction. Gift card sellers go through an ID screening to prevent fraud.

  7. 43 minutes ago, bugsinmycode said:

    Lol where do you get so many codes that you are selling them here?

    I don't have an unlimited amount, I'm pretty short on supply.

    I get them from other exchanges at low rates. All gift cards go through a cooling period to ensure customer satisfaction.

    • Like 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, melomel said:

    "Buying your gp, $.66 a mil, but in a currency you can't really use." -- 15m for $10 credit comes to that.


    -edit- I'm hangry, sorry. If you're offering $50 to dunkin for 15m, ill gobble that turkey all day long.  That's basically 1 munchkin per gp.


    -double edit- But please clarify because now I'm fantasizing about what 15m munchkins would look like. [Also, chocolate or blueberry are the only options. There is no place on this earth for the vile aberration of vanilla munchkins.]

    50 for 15m GP not bad. That's a lot of munchkins.

    I got a 25x munch order today for $6, unfortunately only jelly, glazed, chocolate. Thought there would be variety, maybe just my DD location. That's 208.33 munchkins for $50. There is probably a discount on the 50x boxes.

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