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  1. XaLeR

    Flagged Ip

    If you have a unflagged ip and you still get banned then you are suiciding or not botting correctly. If you bot correctly it won't be money waste.
  2. XaLeR

    Flagged Ip

    Buy a socks5 proxy
  3. Seriously thank you so much. I will keep working on the script to make it as good as possible. Probably gonna work on it some more this weekend, so if I have more questions I will PM you!
  4. That seems easy enough. I'm gonna test it out. Again thanks for everything!
  5. Yea I was trying that before I made this post. Probably it worked but the webwalking was broken so I thought to myself this doesn't work either It was stupid of me to not know there was a logger. I would've found the problem instantly.
  6. Just want to say I found out with the logger that the webwalking was giving errors. Adjusted my webwalking area and it's all working again. Could you give me an example of how I could use position instead of using root and child. I'm just starting and I can't seem to find an example online. Thanks for everything!
  7. Thanks already for the help. I took some screenshots of the widget debugger and 446,47 still is the gold bracelet. And Sprites are -1 so i guess that will not work? Is it possible with itemID?
  8. edited the main post with code
  9. The moment the widget opens to make the gold bracelet, it won't interact with the bracelet to Make-X.
  10. So I made a script that would make gold bracelets. It was working fine on OSBot 2.4.133 but now it won't work anymore on the new update. I'm not sure why, because it's using widgets to make it and those numbers are still the same. Anyone has an idea why this would happen? this is the code (Thanks Explv Tutorials) private void make() { if (!smeltingRoom.contains(myPosition())) { getWalking().webWalk(smeltingRoom); } else if (isMakeScreenVisible() || isEnterAmountPromptVisible()) { if (makeXGold()) { Sleep.sleepUntil(this::isEnterAmountPromptVisible, 3000); } if (enterRandomAmount()) { Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !canSmeltGoldBars() || getDialogues().isPendingContinuation(), 100_000); } } else if (useGold() & useFurnace()) { Sleep.sleepUntil(this::isMakeScreenVisible, 5000); } } private boolean canSmeltGoldBars() { return getInventory().contains("Gold bar"); } private boolean useFurnace() { return getObjects().closest("Furnace").interact("Use"); } private boolean useGold() { return getInventory().interact("Use","Gold bar"); } private boolean isMakeScreenVisible() { return getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("What would you like to make?") != null; } private boolean makeXGold() { return getWidgets().get(446,47).interact("Make-X"); } // Using a custom filter here instead of getWidgetContainingText() because it ignores widgets with root id 162 private boolean isEnterAmountPromptVisible(){ RS2Widget amountWidget = getWidgets().singleFilter(getWidgets().getAll(), widget -> widget.getMessage().contains("Enter amount")); return amountWidget != null && amountWidget.isVisible(); } private boolean enterRandomAmount() { return getKeyboard().typeString("" + MethodProvider.random(28, 35)); }
  11. Amazing guide! Any idea when the gui will be finished?
  12. XaLeR

    Gold bracelet

    My god that i didn't try that Make-X works. Thanks!
  13. XaLeR

    Gold bracelet

    I'm trying to make a gold bracelet script, but it won't interact to make the bracelet. It uses the gold bar on the furnace and then it's stuck. private boolean isMakeScreenVisible() { return getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("What would you like to make?") != null; } private boolean makeXGold() { return getWidgets().getWidgets().get(446,47).interact("Make-X Gold bracelet"); } I also tried private boolean isMakeScreenVisible() { return getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("What would you like to make?") != null; } private boolean makeXGold() { return getWidgets().getWidgetContainingText("Gold bracelet").interact("Make-X Gold bracelet"); } Could someone tell me how to interact with it so i can Make-X Gold bracelet?
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