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Posts posted by VinUnlededDiesel

  1. @Czar Do you think it'd be possible for making an option to enable a quick two clicks for the alching motion when stun alching? it waits a fair bit of time seen here - https://gyazo.com/09e83038c6afa18ec9ac941c41d126c5 I know it's most likely waiting for a confirm that the item is under the cursor, but i wouldn't mind if it missed here and there.

    Also thank you for all the scripts you've made over the years, I've bought most and I really enjoy all of them <3.

  2. name: gnome

    effects: Increasing amount in knowledge of extremely dank memes.

    risks: Hours and hours of non-stop meme-ing

    price per unit: (You decide, grams/liter/kg/gallon/torr/psi/etc) 420$ a gram

    Creation method:Mod ash cum + computer motherboard put in a blender for 10 minutes and then chilled for 2 hours at 420 celsius.

    Addictive level -/10: 69/420

    other details: Beware of many memes invading your household environment


  3. I doubt anyone would take the time to develop a semi decent app for this, unless of course it was paid. Even then the market is so small the price would have to be like $50 to make it worth their time.


    It's much easier to just have the script developer incorporate some sort of email -> SMS/MMS type functionality into their script.

    Yea i guess it would be easier doing that

  4. An osbot app where it can give you alerts if a player sent a message in-game or if you want to stop/play a bot. would be cool to see this in the future

  5. Hm this could be a nice feature, although it could have a big interference with some scripts. You might suggest that it be added into the script you are running so that the script writer can implement it into the script.


    I have considered using this type of thing in my scripts before, although i usually add in something like "Stop script after we cook x amount of food", or whatever. Its a similar idea. happy.png


    That's true, But i don't think script writers want to do this haha

    @Laz has mentioned they are developing a Bot Scheduler, this will allow you to set up multiple scripts at the same time and once "X" amount of hours which you specified has passed, the bot will switch to the next script if it has the Bot Scheduler feature implemented by traversing the map using the also yet to come Webwalking.

    Yea i'm hyped for webwalking (:

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