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  1. or just select an account and press continue, if that doesn't work make sure your firewall isn't blocking it
  2. once you added the bot, in the add bot menu, you have default, and the account you added, double click the account and it will launch runescape
  3. 1. Open the client,you'll have a small box with Osbot username and password, proxies, stealth injection and mirror mode. 2. Unless you have osbot vip, ignore mirror mode 3. Log in using your Osbot account(not your runescape account). The first login is going to download webwalking. and after that you can launch it(wont do anything if your firewall is blocking it, osbot needs network access). 4. Once its started at the top left you can do add bot, you put in your runescape account information there, so that a script will be able to login to your account / interact with your bank if you have a pin. 5. Double click on the account and runescape will load 6. To start a script you have a green play button next to add bot, it'll open a menu with all your scripts.
  4. So retina's not important unless you really want that resolution, I would definitely recommend researching your pick, some specific models scattered through are a mess for things like hinges breaking, I would of course recommend that if you make sure you get the fully supported i5/i7 and not the 2C/4T, while they aren't bad, the price difference wouldn't be much for more physical cores and threads, I have a 2012 edition myself with 2c/4t its still working fine with newest OSX, but its starting to get a bit less snappy(Sierra uses a lot more memory than older OSX's) I would definitely recommend getting more than 4 GB ram if you're wanting to run the latest(El Capitan will run fine with 4), I mean a kit of 8GB is only like $50, just make sure to research the get ram with the right timing and speed, or else it might not work with the laptop. Here's a link of a website that documents mac editions fairly well, not sure if links are allowed, if not please remove: http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook_pro/index-macbookpro.html
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