Just tested v99.
Is now slower exp, still fails opening the bank almost every time, has to click twice or more. Also tans more than 5 times an inventory almost consistently. I keep getting the response from rs sayin there isnt any hides to tan in my inventory.
It clicks on inventory before it banks then clicks on magic book after finished banking. This process of clicks isn't very human like. Most players would tan five times then click directly on the bank. which would in turn open the inventory window during banking mode.
I think the process for this script should be: cast tan X 5 (break if no hides error returned in chat and move to next step) > open bank > deposit/withdraw > close bank > repeat
Here is the script hovering the bank booth but not opening it (happens often)
Unfortunately still haven't been able to use this script. Hoping for a fix, wish it was working. Let me now if you need more screenshots or info.