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  1. Hi guys, Just wondering: are defence pures still common in OSRS? I'd like create pures with 75-ish defence if there's still a market for it : )
  2. A while ago I created the Varock Museum Solver script and let it place on the SDN. After that I didn't have much time to develop scripts again. Now I'm back and got some nice free time to develop scripts I was wondering if somone recently used the Museum script, and if it still worked? Or better yet, could someone help me out by testing the script?
  3. Hey man, try this: if(fish_spot != null){ fish_spot.interact("Small Net"); } Btw: I think fish spots are npcs instead of rs2objects , but i'm not sure
  4. Have you tried to set the minimum walking distance threshold to 0? This way the script walks to the exact position you want to go to. https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WalkingEvent.html
  5. I think it has something to do with the absolute slot value. You could only use getbank.getslot(name) instead of getbank.isslotvissible(). If getslot returns null you know it's not there.
  6. Have you also installed Java 8 instead of only 9? Maybe that'll help
  7. I'd say check for grounditems at the monster's position during the fight and store it in, for example, a list. Update the list only when the grounditems change during the fight. When your monster is dead the newly dropped items should be yours. For a failsafe I'd check for a message that' you can't loot this item" and skip the looting. This method shouldn't cost to much performance I think. Hope this helps.
  8. Anyways, I'm finishing up my Museum script code and after that I need to test it on a few accounts. Too bad I need to use bonds to make them member ; p When it's done I'll release it as a free script
  9. Have you used it recently? I tried the script like 1 month ago and it got stuck talking to Orlando
  10. Thank you! I'll take a look on the SDN then
  11. Thanks for the advise! I'll try to implement a Enum since that sounds more logical then.
  12. I'm currently working on a Varrock Museum script for the 1k hunter and slayer xp However, I have a few problems regarding my code architecture. My idea is to solve the questions based on configs. For example, when config 1014 equals 2 the script should solve the Lizard questions. I think a switch statement is the best option to decide which animal to solve. I'm using an abstract Quiz class where most of my functions are defined, like walking to the right display position. I want to create subclasses for every animal that holds the questions, answers and the display position. So far my subclasses looks redundant, because I'm only using a constructor to pass the questions, answers and display position. Is it better to use, for example, a Enum that holds all the data? Can someone help me out here?
  13. Shrimp Fisher About: A simple script that gets your fishing level from 1 to 45 within a few hours. This script could be used before catching Lobsters. The extra 5 levels is due to slow Lobster catches at lvl 40 fishing. Features : - Catches Shrimps / Anchovies. - Clears inventory when it's full. - Walks to the fishing spot in Lumbridge. - Walks to Draynor bank, and stops the script, when 45 Fishing is achieved. - Conditional sleeps, human-like behaviour. Installation: 1. Download the .jar Here 2. Place the .jar in your OSbot scripts folder. (Usually C:/Users/your_user/OSBot/Scripts)
  14. Hi, I was wondering if it's better/cleaner to pass the MethodProvider instance rather than the Script instance to another class - let's say a Node class. Any thoughts?
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