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Everything posted by Arcticfury

  1. thanks for the trial, used on 2 accounts i was training to do chaos druid both got stuck at goblin diplomacy so i logged them out(maybe 2 hours max) and both banned GG (accounts were 3-4 years old) script works great though
  2. all 3 accounts banned (4 hour bot time over 2 sessions) every other day for maybe 15 hours max on each account if that combat lvl 50-90 on old accounts (Just back after quitting for a few years) goodluck with this area. Last session i did not watch and one was standing at the door for hours but o well GG
  3. This also happened to me I started at hardy bank all correct things ticked off and it will pick lock once and then status null. Came home to my account with 0 trips and 3 hours standing in front of the door
  4. This looks amazing could I please have a trial thank you very much looking forward to purchasing
  5. Great to hear thanks, will this also fix the looting? (Rate loot table ticked on) but no longer has been picking up any gems(Saphire/Emerald/Ruby) witnessed anyways ty Also any chance of a smart hop? This place has a lot of players in many worlds and those that are just plain checking if you are a bot or not while other servers have 0-1 players(temporarily anyways) thanks a lot
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