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Daddy prophet

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Status Updates posted by Daddy prophet

  1. Hello Czar,

    I recently purchased your bot and I'm not sure if I'm using it properly.

    I'm trying to safe spot moss giants but the bot insist on running away from the safe spot and into multi danger.

    is there a specially process for the bot just to stay in place and collect arrows?

    please let me know.


    1. Czar


      Hmm after enabling safespot option, did you set the actual safespot tile so the script knows which tild is the safespot tile? Confirm it and I will run some bug tests ASAP :D 

    2. Daddy prophet

      Daddy prophet

      Sorry for the late response. I actually just had to reset the bot. i was loading it to many times into one walk setting.

      I'll also be purchasing your pest control bot.

      Keep up the great work!

      10/10 happy customer.

    3. Czar


      Excellent, let me know if any suggestions or bugs, will fix/add ASAP :) 

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